Thursday, May 11, 2023


There has been a central theme to both the defense and the prosecution counsels in the trials of  fourteen insurrectionists in the January 6 uprising - namely that Donald Trump instigated and instructed the mob to storm the Capital. The leader of the Proud Boys claimed that they were standing trial for what Trump called upon them to do while he was, (free), running again for President. The former and thirteen others have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy in that they conspired, by force, to prevent, the lawful transfer of power to the democratically elected President Biden. 

Trump has stated that he would pardon most of the convicted conspirators. The former President himself is under extensive investigation for his role in the illegal attempts to overturn the results of what had been found by his own Justice Department as a legitimate election. 

CNN, out of the blue, since the next Presidential election is eighteen months away, invited the said Donald Trump to a Town Hall in front of his own supporters


Jefferson Davis leader of the Confederates would have not been given a platform, with his cheering supporters in attendance, by the abolitionist media of the day after he fired those shots in Charleston in an attempt to overturn the Lincoln Government, even though he had the full support of the South. The fact that Donald Trump appears to have his party’s backing is therefore no more relevant than Davis having his.This all begs the question as to whether CNN would have invited Jefferson Davis to a Town Hall in front of his cheering supporters broadcasting to the whole of the United States the reasons as to why he wanted to overthrow the government.


For those who had the stomach to listen to CNN’s “Town Hall” with Donald Trump, held in front an audience of his acolytes, the question of why this was happening had to be central in their minds. Should there have been any doubt as to who the attendees were, the moment Trump appeared they stood up affording him a rapturous welcome. They had been recruited from central casting from “Truth Social”. If that wasn’t warning enough that the watching public were about to be subjected to the usual diet of lies, half truths, conspiracy theories, abuse, authoritarian policies, misogynist jibes, the paternalistic ignoring of the moderator and the worst of everything else that were hallmarks of a Trump rally, then nothing was. 

The question had to be what was CNN thinking? And the answer had to be ratings. In the full knowledge that Trump in a national debate against Biden had stomped all over a seasoned anchor Chris Wallace to expect thirty one year old Caitlyn Coilins to control him was either rank ignorance or cheerfuily sending a lamb to the slaughter for the sake of ratings. What is more CNN had to know that Trump would have not agreed to this indaba had he believed he could not fully control the proceedings. He has already stated that he is not interested in the debates of the Republican primaries and would not participate. 

There were only two groups who really had a stake in Trump’s command performance and they were both from the legal fraternity. Those litigating Trump were happy that their recording machines were on while Trump’s own lawyers had to be moaning that with a client like that the prosecution doesn’t need any other witnesses. 

Listening to the talented embarrassed CNN panel attempting to discuss in all seriousness the relevance of this infomercial about someone, who is about to be indicted for his role in overturning an election that he lost, was educational to the point of banality.. Trump had continued that the election that he had lost was rigged and that he had won. One cannot rationally debate someone who is a pathological liar. Who in addition laughs off the legal system and who has labelled CNN "Fake News". 

Jay H. Ell cannot  go through the litany of disgusting positions that Trump reiterated in his ninety minute monologue. Suffice to report that he advocated that “My Kevin” should see to it that the United States should not pay its debts and in effect declare bankruptcy and that he made it clear that he backed Putin in the war between the free world and fascism. 

The only positive part of the show and its aftermath was the focus group of nine participants eight of whom had voted for Trump in the past two elections. None of them believed that Trump had said anything new and only one of them after the evening’s infomercial had definitely decided for Trump in 2024. 


While everyone agrees in Free Speech and exchange of viewpoints this does have to occur within a framework of reality and the supposed trappings of a democracy. You cannot discuss the outcome of sixty court cases with someone who argues, with no supporting evidence, that the system is rigged against him, (including those judges he had appointed); you cannot debate why someone who refused to assist the beleaguered Congress claim that he offered ten thousand soldiers when there was uncontested testimony by his Minister of Defense that he didn’t; it is not possible to break bread with someone who in spite of a jury finding that his sexually abusive behavior was liable to the extent of a five million dollar penalty that this conduct is befitting for the star that he is and on and on. None of this was unexpected but can stir his base to do the most scary undemocratic actions. It also legitimizes this behavior to vulnerable minds coming from an ex President speaking on Prime Time TV.

The answer would appear that Trump or his likes should only be given a platform under controlled conditions such as a Presidential debate where each side’s microphones can be turned off after the allotted two minutes. One doesn’t need to hear from him till if and when the occasion arrives. If of course he is convicted of insurrection and therefore unable to stand for office there is no real reason to hear from him at all in the context of him being the star of a "Town Hall".

One fact is for sure. If he is indicted he wont have a word to say in the courts where he is expected to make several appearances in the near future. There speech is controlled by a set of rules that date back to time immemorial. Where calling the Judge a “whack job “ whether he  or she is or isn’t simply is not allowed although it would be greeted by guffaws at CNN Town Halls and hysteria at Trump rallies.


Thee is so much more to add that isn't being said elsewhere. 

Even Fox ignored the event discussing Hunter Biden’s corruption although they couldn’t really explain why Trump’s Department of Justice could find nothing in four years

God Save The King and God Save America 

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