Sunday, February 26, 2023


Whose afraid of the Big Bad Trump? The Big Bad Trump who strides the narrow USA like a colossus. Our Donald, darling of his own MAGA brand, is more teflon than John Gotti, the second last of the great Mob bosses of New York, Donald his good self being the last. Prosecutor Mike Pomerantz, who resigned when a newly appointed District Attorney of Manhattan, Alan Bragg, declined to prosecute Trump for some pretty serious crimes, compared Trump to Gotti. Pomerantz claimed that the only impediment to convicting Trump you would to be able to prove that he was not legally insane.

Trump strikes terror into some and a determination in others to confront his evil. Like other Godfathers, The Don, if opposed takes no prisoners, demands blind loyalty and when he asks for a favor he doesn’t disguise that it is really a threat.  As a former Trump associate mused, “All this comparison is unfair to John Gotti”. 

As the noose that was meant for Mike Pence slowly but surely tightens desperation creeps in. His most powerful allies in his fight for survival are those that fear him the most -  the Speaker of the House, “My Kevin” McCarthy and ambivalent Fox News, a gift that keeps on giving. In addition his challengers for the nomination are a pitiful bunch one way or another. The legal system after decades may precipitate his downfall as it did with Gotti.


Thsre is little doubt that “Who is the least afraid of the Big Bad Trump” is Volodymyr Zelensky, Premier of Ukraine. Way back, when Zelensky had only just swapped roles from comedian to President, he persistently and urgently asked Trump for the funds Congress had voted for Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. In order to release the money Trump made the novice vulnerable Ukrainian leader an offer which he refused. That decision took unbelievable guts and integrity.  Zelensky had been elected to rid the country of corruption as well as moving it out of Russia’s sphere. Neither were top priorities of Big Bad Trump. Zelensky evenually received his aid but no thanks to the Don. 

There are several prosecutors who are gung ho to end Trump’s reign of terror.


Special Counsel Jack Smith is investigating The Don at breakneck speed to make up for the tardiness of his boss, Attorney General, Merrrick Garland, who is “A Never Indict Trumper”. Trump has fumed, spewed his venom and smeared Jack Smith in his characteristic bullying fashion. When his obnoxious rantings, and in some sense childish outpourings, are analyzed, Prosecutor Pomerantz’s anxiety about a Trump defense arguing that he is “legally insane”, is plausible.

The Don on the occasion of Special Counsel Smith’s appointment.

“Jack Smith (nice, soft name, isn’t it?), is a political hit man, who is totally compromised and shouldn’t be allowed. Our already highly WEAPONIZED & CORRUPT Justice Department and FBI are stuffed with, and listening to, Radical Left MONSTERS, who will cause difficulties for our country the likes of which we have not seen before.”

“The ‘Justice” Department is CORRUPT. Offered Christopher Steele $1,000,000 to lie about me, paid Russian a fortune to ‘get Trump’, told Facebook not to mention the Hunter Biden Laptop before the Election, “it was Russian disinformation, when they KNEW it was not, is Jack Smith going to investigate that?”

As the investigation process proceeded and Smith starting playing catch up on AG Garland’s dereliction of judicial duty,Trump became more and more unhinged.

“Jack Smith(?), is a Trump Hating THUG whose wife is a serial and open Trump Hater, whose friends & other family friends are even worse,” ”Smith is known as “an unfair Savage,” & is best friends with the craziest Trump haters, including Lisa Monaco, who runs “Injustice,”  (Lisa Monaco is Deputy Attorney General).

“Radical Left, (Trump hating!) Special ‘Prosecutor” Jack Smith is leaking to the Fake News Media like a sieve”. He is going absolutely crazy trying to nab the political candidate who is way ahead of his ‘boss’ and won the 2020 Presidential election, except for the fact that it was RIGGED, He’s got a job to do and is working hard to scare & intimidate witnesses, even lawyers who have never seen such antics before”.

So there is little doubt that “The Trump Hating lunatic THUG” Smith is not afraid. His summonses to Chief of Staff Meadows, Vice President Pence. Ivanka and Jared, have to mean he is moving quickly because it is well over two years since January 6 2021 and as the Proud Boys have argued they are standing trial for what Trump told them to do while he runs for President.

Smith’s prosecution is the one our Don has to fear most as it can encompass the whole enchilada. 


There are two female African American Attorneys who are on the verge of indicting The Don. 

Ms.Fani Willis, the Fulton County of Georgia Attorney General, is “immanently” about to lay indictments. After a year long investigation before a Special Grand Jury, who heard evidence from seventy - five witnesses and examined physical evidence and documents, unanimously concluded that there was no evidence of “Widespread fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election” which Trump claimed there was when trying to bully the Georgia Secretary of State and Governor to “Find him the votes”. When that failed, false electors were lined up to overturn the result. The Chairperson of the Special Grand Jury has intimated that there are multiple suggested indictments, witnesses who were given immunity and “no surprises”. Her frustration as an apolitical citizen to the non action to date manifested in her interviews to the media

Ms. Laetitia James the New York Attorney General has a civil case against Trump for fraud where she is claiming a minimum of $250 million dollars in fines. The facts of the case have been  established already in other litigation. Trump has already been fined for a frivolous law suit against Ms. James whom he claimed was conducting a political witch hunt against him

The Manhattan Attorney General Alan Bragg, finally, has brought a criminal case to a Grand Jury. It isn’t for the major crimes that Mike Pomerantz had worked up against Trump. It is for an open and shut case where Trump had been named as a co-conspirator for the violation of electoral laws for the payment to shut up Stormy Daniels with whom he had had an affair. Michael Cohen. his former attorney, who carried out Trump’s bidding was jailed for so doing and has been interviewed by Mr. Bragg’s office fifteen times,  presumably to testify against him. 


The litigation that is ready for prime time involves an alleged rape by Trump of a Ms.Jean Carroll. Trump who has outspent and run out the clock on so many other litigants, faces trial in the near future. The pretrial motions have been salacious including whether evidence will be allowed such as the “Access Hollywood” tape where the forty fifth President bragged about his sexual assaults on numerous women, the experience of other complainants alleging sexual assault and Trump’s initial refusal to submit DNA evidence and now his preparedness to do so in order to delay the proceedings further. These cases are screaming to be settled, that is if Ms. Carroll who has been subject to the most unbelievable abuse, is interested.

Other civil cases that have wended their way to near completion are those involving the firing of Peter Strzok the number two man in counter intelligence as well as Lisa Page a lawyer in the Justice Department. The judge has ordered that both Trump and Wray, the current head of the FBI, can be deposed. Again the evidence of malice must be pretty convincing if a President can be deposed for firing officials that ostensibly serve at his pleasure

There are an endless number of other civil litigations that Trump is facing including from his niece Mary Trump who alleges Trump robbed her of her inheritance. The latter is another sordid saga of alleged Trump sociopathic behavior.  

There are a slew of litigants rising out of January 6 riots including from police officers and congressmen. These trials are really just beginning but are very serious and will keep Trump busy till the next decade. They have the potential to bankrupt Trump as the damages can run into billions. 


There are a few “liberal” Republicans who barely register in the polls that are contemplating running for the “GOP” Presidential nomination. They include “GOP” Governors such as Asa Hutchinson, (Arkansas), Larry Hogan, (Maryland) and Chris Sununu, (New Hampshire). They would have the support of legislators such as Mitt Romney and Adam Kitzinger. More significantly in their court would be Liz Cheney who eviscerated Trump at the January 6 Investigating Committee hearings and is  determined to see Trump not being the Forty Seventh President.

 Mitch McConnell has made it quite clear that Trump was responsible for the January 6 Coup but has done too little too late. if he had had a scintilla of the courage of his convictions he could have provided the necessary votes at Trump’s second impeachment hearing thereby preventing him from ever holding office again. 

Far more interesting are those “GOP”  Presidential wannabes who are afraid.


What is fascinating is the fawning, the ducking and the weaving on the subject of The Don by those who are best placed to challenge him.Their bizarre logic is they don’t want to offend Trump’s supporters! By definition the latter are going to support Trump or sabotage any nominee at Trump’s behest should he not be the nominee.

First and foremost among these weirdos is Ron DeSantis who in some polls is giving Trump a run for his money. The Ron pretends he is taking the high road when Trump jabs at him by claiming he is fighting Biden and his “woke” agenda. When push comes to shove the Big Bad Trump will eat the nebbish, “The Ron,” and spit him out in small chunks. So Ron if you want to play with the big boys you will have to create a lane of your own and not pretend that Trump doesn’t exist. Jay H. Ell really can’t see the bearded, gun toting red hatted MAGA crowd screaming for this wuss whose focus is on creating an anti woke College.

Then follows a whole list of those who are so intertwined with Trump that the fact that they are not attacking him makes sense. Included in the bizarre line up is former Vice President, Mike Pence. This in spite of the fact, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, when recalling a conversation between Mark Meadows and Pat Cipollone, in her presence, that Trump maintained that “they were right when they were calling to hang f….ing Mike Pence”. Pence is pathetically equating Trump being "wrong" that he could unconstitutionally overturn the election with the Special Counsel calling upon him to give evidence before a grand jury. It is painful to watch. He may get the Evangelicals over Trump’s dead body but not the MAGA boys.

Also in this category are Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State who apparently effectively delivered the message to MBS of Saudi Arabia that the latter “Owed Trump” and Nikki Haley who is refreshingly naive and totally and utterly ridiculous in her explanation that she is running to rid America of geriatrics - forgetting that the bulk of the “GOP” Primary voters are white geriatrics. 

Going further down the list are Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Chris Christie. Greg Abbott, Glen Youngkin and Kristi Noem, (She offered to have his head carved next to Abe Lincoln on Mount Rushmore) all of whom will have to somehow explain their former devotion to The Don, in the context of opposing him now.

Of interest is Brian Kemp of Georgia who refused to “find Trump 11800 votes which was one more than he needed” but still thought that the Big Bad Trump was a jolly good fellow. Should he however run Trump will not let his base forget that he couldn’t do him a simple favor. 

So much for that motley crew. The only one with a realistic chance is DeSantis who will be nobbled by Trump should he somehow win the nomination..


The recent litigation by the Dominion Company against Fox News has been an eye opener to the extent that it reveals how terrified the Fox Establishment is of the Big Bad Trump. This in addition to their hypocrisy in that they promote “The Big Lie” without believing it. Emails between their three nighttime musketeers and the boss Murdoch and his inner circle show that they have the integrity and morals of alley cats.

The fact that the Dominion Company are asking for summary judgement in an area covered by the Freedom of Expression First Amendment speaks volumes to the strength of their case. The courts rarely if ever rule in the Plaintiffs’ favor when it comes to freedom of speech and the bar is unbelievably high in defamation in cases of this nature.  

Dominion are the manufacturers of voting machines, that according to the conspiracy theorists from Trump, to Giuliani to lawyer Sydney Powell that could convert votes from Trump to Biden via a plot hatched by the deceased Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Fox News purveyed this patent rubbish led by their fabulous three, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. The whole establishment ignored literally hundreds of pleas from Dominion to cease and desist.

While a ton of internal e mails and testimony reveal that no - one at Fox believed all this outlandish fantasy they ran it as they were terrified of losing viewership to a “Mickey Mouse” operation called “NewsMax”. The fabulous three texted one another as did Murdoch and all the other high ups acknowledging that the conspiracy theories were drivel. 

One quote tells it all. After the Fox decision desk called Arizona for Biden thereby hobbling Trump’s “stolen election” mantra, Trump went ballistic to which Carlson’s internal response was breathtaking in duplicity”

“We worked really hard to build what we have. Those fuckers, [at the decision desk], are destroying our credibility…..Trump is good at destroying things… He could easily destroy us if we play things wrong….”

When challenged to respond to Dominion’s allegations, Murdoch stated, “We are proud of 2020 election coverage”


“My Kevin” who owes his speakership to the Don and who made promises to the loonies under Trump’s control is teaming up with the other terrified entity Fox News as represented by Tucker Carlson. ‘My Kevin” is providing Tucker with every inch of tape of the insurrection, to help him prove that January 6 was something between a minor mob rush and a picnic of Confederates who got a bit unruly at the Capitol. The fact that several of the peace loving protestors have been convicted of seditious conspiracy is irrelevant. 


As things stand Big Bad Trump will in one way or another prevent any other “GOP” member becoming president. The Republican Establishment were too afraid from the get go to challenge Trump and now they can do nothing to restore the integrity of their party. So rather than fight him they have just joined him. They are all afraid of the Big Bad Trump!

It is inconceivable that teflon Trump won’t be downed by at least one of these major trials against him, but he and Fox are already working on an alternative narrative in order to feed into the lie that January 6 was a 'false flag" operation. 

The Fox machine is over stepping the mark again and don’t seem to mind that they could be responsible for another attempted coup. They are the scaredest of the lot.

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