Sunday, January 29, 2023



Ron DeSantis, (THE RON), the Florida Governor is out Trumping Trump, (THE DON), as the fight for the Republican nomination for the 2024 Presidential election becomes more and more tense. While the list of wannabes grows longer and longer, the Nikki Halleys and the Mike Pences of the world can all stand on their heads, The Ron has gulped all the oxygen out of the air in the "GOP” Presidential nominee stakes versus The Don. The Don made clear his hat was in the ring this last weekend calling DeSantis "disloyal" if he runs. 

The Primary will be decided by the “GOP” base. Those that generally pitch up are the radical right and the Evangelicals. Whatever the Evangelical leadership might say Trump’s approval rating is about thirty percent and that just about adds up to the number of Americans that vote in the "GOP” Primary. In case anyone still believed this is no longer Trump’s Party they should have taken a gander at the election for Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee with all three candidates trying to be more Trumpier than than the other two.

 So The Don with legal problems that would have bothered Al Capone, has to still be the favorite to win this sh-t show. The Don in spite of having his most influential supporter being  “My Kevin” McCarthy who is making a royal idiot of himself as the Speaker and who needed an embarrassing fifteen votes to be elected. “My Kevin” is trying to operate from ring to ring in his unsynchronized three ring circus. So at best Kevin will be running himself ragged for two years as he attempts to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and introduce a thirty percent sales tax on the bread and eggs his electorate purchase. All the rich have to do is to cut down on the number of yachts they buy. He is being more divisive than his patron so he can't be much assistance and if he survives two years it will be a miracle. 


However it just may not be The Don for one reason or another, whether it be AG Garland or the "My Kevin" albatross.  Maybe, just maybe, perhaps AG Garland will do what he said he was going to do and what the Proud Boy Defendants in their defense on Seditious Conspiracy charges claim he hasn’t done. Their argument is that the low ranking followers of Trump are having their fates tried by juries while, he, (Trump), runs for President! 

AG Garland prevaricated for nearly two years before appointing a Special Counsel to investigate Trump. However if he accepts the referral from the January 6 Committee to charge The Don as an insurrectionist then if found guilty he could not run for office. (As Jay H. Ell pointed out in his last blog Garland can act expeditiously if he is so inclined. He didn’t wait two weeks before appointing a Special Counsel to investigate Biden. By the way the two week time frame is running out on the appointment of a Special Counsel to probe Mike Pence).

 Ms. Fani Willis, an African American Attorney General in Georgia, however, is “immimently” about to put The Don out of his misery and charge him. This may not be enough to cause a dent in Trump’s support as he will scream victimhood. For those that buy that garbage they should consult The Proud Boys and The OathKeepers who are facing twenty year sentences for their loyalty to The Don while he plays golf at Mar- A - Lago and dines with anti semites and white supremacists, 

So after all that Jay H. Ell diversion, The Ron has to be considered a serious candidate either if The Don can’t run and in the miraculous event that between now and July 2024 he can win the Republican Primary against Trump. Polls that include likely “GOP” voters give him a chance. It would be more impressive if they were of likely Primary “GOP” voters. 


Now to finally get to the point Jay H. Ell has been trying to make - for those who believe anybody is better than The Don - they better think again because The Ron will not lead them to the Promised Land. Trump will say or do anything to get elected and he can read the electorate.  His position on abortion is no longer absolute. He claims that the reason the “GOP” did so badly in the midterms was because they did not have any exceptions to allow for a termination of a pregnancy. Trump has chastised DeSantis for his revisionist history on Covid and he has warned “My Kevin” the Speaker of the House not to touch Medicare and Social Security which is the position of the loonies that control the “GOP” asylum.   

The Ron is a sophisticated totalitarian racist who is ruling Florida like a medieval tyrant. Moreover he is non believer in science. In fairness to DeSantis he doesn’t pretend. He is about half Biden’s age, forty - four years, so it could be argued that he is too young to be President! His national career spans less than a decade. He has not been tested on the national arena and many feel The Don will eat him up alive. 


The Ron has no pretensions to being one of the people. In fact he is part of the much maligned elite. Harvard and Yale are in his resume then to add to the list a brief military tour with a couple of medals. Politically he didn’t mess around and in 2012 he stood for Congress and was immediately a vocal member of the Freedom Caucus. He was on several important Committees and made all the appropriate noises to stamp him as a Trumpist and vociferously anti Obama. 

The Ron supported The Don and ironically the latter supported him in his run for Governorship in 2018. DeSantis won the latter by the skin of his teeth and gained national notoriety by obliquely alluding to his African American opponent as a monkey. An allegation he naturally denied with all the force at his command.  Within the short space of five years he has filled the vacuum of the bankrupt "GOP” leadership bench creating his own brand of racism, authoritarianism, cultural nihilism and anti scientism. In a State that has become crimson red he waltzed into his second term as Governor by twenty points. 

Needless to say this dramatic domination of the third largest state in America has catapulted The Ron onto the national scene making headlines with his radical moves at eliminating opposing philosophies, making the State Courts and Universities “Conservative” and defining what should or should not be taught in schools. His mantra is that white children should not be ashamed that they are white! But there is so much more.


The Florida Governor has regularly grabbed the headlines and is for practical purposes the face of the MAGA Trumpist position even out Trumping Trump whose eponymous policy is where the “GOP” are at. While Trump is obsessed with the stolen election DeSantis is methodically spelling out right wing lines that are going to be very difficult to outflank. That would only become relevant if Trump is not a viable candidate.


  It all started with Covid. The Ron with all his degrees from Harvard and Yale became the leader of the anti science group with other “GOP” luminaries such as Majorie Taylor Greene who believes the earth is flat. The latter is in charge of a Select Committee, created in exchange for her miserable vote for “My Kevin”, to investigate “The Pandemic”. Perhaps Majorie will call DeSantis in as an expert witness. He will detail to the “Pandemic” Committee that he appointed as his Secretary of Health, Joseph Lapado, MD, one of the few leaders in the Medical Profession who was a vaccine denier. 

Lapado was not exactly highly regarded by his Supervisor in California who refused to provide him with a reference. Dr. Carol Mangione stated she was aware of “derogatory information” on then candidate Lapado. She further stated that in her opinion she had no confidence in his “honesty, integrity and ability”. It wasn’t long before Lapado was attacked mercilessly by the University of Florida’s Subcommittee on Florida Health Policy. Academics at this level are usually very circumspect in their criticism of colleagues’ work. Not so with Dr. Lapido, stating in a detailed review that his policy and analysis were of “highly questionable merit”.

So when Majorie calls The Ron to give evidence on “The Pandemic” he can bring Dr. Lapido along to give credibility to his “science”. She believes as must The Ron that vaccination is one big hoax, led by the Democratic Puppet Fauci, to control the masses.


Illegal Immigration and the porous border is a hot topic and even though Trump’s “Build That Wall” is more than passe the issue isn’t. Our The Ron had a unique solution and even though there has been no follow through it garnered him the headlines he knows he needs constantly to be the presumptive challenger to The Don.  Florida at the time of his stunt didn’t have an “illegal” situation even though a large amount of the Presidential wannabe’s support comes from what he must define as “illegal” Cuban immigrants. So before the current “illegals” invaded the Florida Keys he illegally commandeered dozens from Texas, lying to them that “nirvana" lay in the North East where he flew them in a chartered flight costing Texas tax payers twelve million dollars. When there was no reception committee for the ‘“illegals”, who felt even more discombobulated in supposedly  Democratic Martha’s Vineyard, our The Ron washed his hands off the whole affair. At least as a result of his callous maneuver everyone knew where he stood on illegal immigration 


On signing the Bill to prohibit abortion after an unborn child has reached fifteen weeks of gestation, DeSantis claimed that babies in the womb, “Who have beating hearts, who can see and who can feel pain” will be saved. Of course the latter claim is scientifically unfounded. If he had bothered to read the amicus brief of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who provided detailed scientific proof to the American Supreme Court that the very earliest fetuses may experience pain is twenty - four or twenty five weeks, he would have known his rationale was a lie. But why should The Ron care if The Don’s Supreme Court Justices cared even less.So he has promised even further action to limit abortion in his State. On this key issue for the Evangelicals he has to reckon that he just has to come through solidly enough to reassure the fundamentalists that their cause will be front and central.


The Merriam Webster defines “WOKE” as follows: “Aware of and actively attentive to important societal issues, (especially issues of racial and social justice”). If you read and listen to DeSantis's rants on the subject no one would ever guess that is what “wokeness” is all about. The RON, in support of  the Florida  STOP THE WOKE ACT, defined it as “Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees. He claimed that “We won’t allow Florida tax dollars to be spent teaching kids to hate our country and hate each other”

The Ron had already banned Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project in Florida schools. In fairness to DeSantis he could not define those concepts either. He does however know what Woke ideology is not -“We reject woke ideology. We feel normalcy, not philosophical lunacy. We will not allow reality, facts and truth to become optional. We will never surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die”. Woke incidentally includes Disney, Apple and PayPal. 

Continuing the crusade against wokeness is The Ron’s sanctioned HB 1467, which requires books in the school classroom or library to be pre-approved materials or vetted by a media specialist trained by Florida’s Department of Education. Violations of this statute are third degree felonies. Adding to this law is the banning of an optional college credit on African American studies which he declared as a “political agenda”.

New College is a tiny public liberal arts College in Sarasota, Florida which institution no -one would have ever heard of till The Ron put it on the national scene.  He appointed six new trustees all of whom agree with his anti woke agenda. There is a Private College in Michigan called Hillsdale College which is considered the nation's benchmark of illiberalism. The characterization of DeSantis’s push is that he wants to make a public university, New College, the Hillsdale of the South. America will know that The Ron has won out when Clarence Thomas gives the Commencement speech at New College as he has done at Hillsdale.

Jay H. Ell could go on and on with the lunacy which is really a dogwhistle to being anti African American. The Don would not go there to this extent because some of best friends are African American anti - semites. The Ron’s calculation is that this will drive out the white coalition that magically put Trump in the WhiteHouse in 2016. Where he gets that “wokeness” from has to be from a focus group composed of the Hillsdale College Faculty. However it keeps him on the front page at least when The Don isn’t. 

If the choice boils down to DeSantis v Trump the real GOP is history. There apparently is no adult in the “GOP” room to right the ship. The Bushes hibernate in Texas and McConnell is taking sadistic glee at watching McCarthy squirm. McConnell is looking to 2024 where in this bizarre antiquated system of American democracy the Senate looks like it will become “GOP” with a minority of votes while the Democrats win the WhiteHouse and regain the House of Representatives with an ever increasing majority.


DeSantis’s anti woke policy has a deep insidious objective - a denial of history. This has profound implications. It is even worse than revisionist history, which at least recognizes that an event took place and distorts the interpretation. 

In a “GOP” where the insanely fraudulent George Santos is the daily public persona of the party, where Majorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan call the shots and where DeSantis is the last white hope, the future is hopeless. The politically and morally bankrupt “GOP’ have to disintegrate in the not too distant future. 

The sane members of the “GOP", like Governors Sununu and Hogan may as well stay at home. All the other sane members of the party have left already. They are part of the Lincoln Group or The Bulwark or have joined the Democratic Party. Each of them feeling guilty at allowing this to happen, except McConnell, who is hanging in there because even if it is Trump he will bite his tongue and elect more anti woke judges.  

The Don still is the figurehead of the party. He controls the base. Unless the anti woke DeSantis defeats him and or the spineless Attorney General charges him with Insurrection so he cannot run again, he is still in charge, The Don, Jay H. Ell  believes would win the Republican nomination  even if convicted of any other felony. The Ron is an establishment elitist. His choice of being anti woke, a term he or none of his electorate fully understand or cares about, tells it all!

The good news for The Ron is that, for the moment, Fox News, supports him. 

All that a despondent Jay H. Ell can do is quote Joe Biden's ending to all his speeches, “….  may God bless America and may God protect our troops!”.

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