Friday, July 8, 2022



This is a story of a young lady who came from a small town to the WhiteHouse to serve her country. She bravely revealed the machinations of a wicked old man who was the President thereby helping to save democracy - A fairy tale story.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, in the United States of America, in the age of very powerful men who controlled vast armies and large sums of money, some were extremely evil. One in particular, once the most powerful man in the world, former President Donald J Trump, had cast a spell on a whole political party just like the Emperor who wore no clothes did. The “Republican Party” believed or were too scared to argue against what had been labelled “The Big Lie”, that he, Trump had won an election which he had lost. Trump had used every strategy imaginable to, by hook or by crook, have the result changed but a few good men and women had bravely stopped him all the way. Among those who thought his attempt at a coup was “disgusting” was a charming patriotic young woman, who history will relate, exploded the myth that he was the “Messiah”.


Thus, although, many who had not been overcome by the spell believed he should be punished somehow they were shut up by those who said that the “G-d like man” was untouchable. He had survived three bankruptcies, withheld money from a European ally because he wanted a political favor in return, believed Putin over his own Intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election, had his Charitable Foundations shut down for donating other people’s money to himself, (charity begins at home) and paid out twenty - five million to students that he had enrolled in his fake university. And so much more. So understandably, his cult following believed that he walked on water. 

Most of his power derived from a fundamentalist “G-d” fearing group, the Evangelicals, who hailed the thrice married man credibly accused and even admitting sexual abuse, claiming that he was a reformed sinner even though he carried on sinning and that he was messiah like. To forgive was a religious act especially if the recipient can deliver what you desire. He also was the champion of those that believed AR 14s and the like were a “G-D” given right in the Constitution which was handed down on Mount Rushmore to Jefferson Davis. Then the other Jefferson, (Thomas) plagiarized the story and gave the right only to the militias.

 Proof of his qualities were signaled  by the fact that he promised and delivered no less than three Supreme Court judges who took away the right for women, even those raped or victims of incest, to have an abortion. The same Judges gave permission for anyone to carry a gun anywhere and as a bonus to the energy donors a big break by axing Biden’s environmental efforts. 

Trump held rallies where he railed against the enemies of the people, especially the press, which he affectionately called “fake news”. He claimed that “….only I alone can save  the country...” and cautioned that within the bureaucratic government there was the “dark state” that was out to get him and all “his people”. He also was very unforgiving and vindictive unless it suited him. (This should have frightened the innocent Cassidy Hutchinson). Many succumbed to his wrath even after years of loyal devotion but one disagreement was enough. Another behavior was that he demanded loyalty which unhappily was a one way process. You cannot expect loyalty from “The Leader” who has a responsibility to keep himself whole. 

With all this and a whole lot else he instigated a violent coup against the American Government of which he was no longer to be the head of. This culminated in an attack on the very seat of Government, The Capitol.


The respective “Republican” leaders of the House and Senate, Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell were understandably furious that their fearless leader had set a mob against them especially as they were hell bent on murdering Vice President Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi and anyone else who got in their way. In spite of this, power being the most important value apparently among “Republican” politicians, most voted immediately  afterwards for “The Big Lie” instead of just ratifying the results. The overwhelming pathetic lot didn’t vote to impeach him either thereby giving him the go ahead to stand again, for what he would consider his third term, in 2024, 

January 6 was too important to just go away and it just had to be investigated. McConnell kiboshed a bipartisan non parliamentary commission and Kevin McCarthy pulled all his members out of the House Investigation Committee when Nancy Pelosi the Democratic Speaker of the House objected to two of his picks Jim Jordan and Jim Banks both of whom had voted against the ratification of the 2020 electoral results and the establishment of the very Committee. (Jordan's consciousness of guilt was reflected subsequently when he asked Trump to pardon them for his January 6 involvement in the coup attempt). Yet McCarthy was nominating them to sit on the House Investigating Committee presumably to obstruct their proceedings and report the inner workings to the co conspirators.

Speaker Pelosi then saw to it that “The Republicans” had two Representatives. They were nominated by Ms Pelosi in an effort to make the probe bipartisan. However Fox News who really don’t know what to do decided just to ignore Trump and blame the Democrats that the Committee was partisan. This in the light of the fact that McCarthy, to Trump's dismay, withdrew his other nominations. Every “Republican” Trump supporter, given the chance to put forward exculpatory evidence either pled the fifth amendment not to prejudice their own culpability or failed to show up.

The January 6 Committee may have been chosen by Democrats but all their witnesses showing Trump’s perfidy were “Republicans” all of whom had voted for Trump. They elaborated that the ever inventive Trump had several plans to overturn the fraudulent election. He had sixty “frivolous” law suits - some of the lawyers being referred for disciplinary action and his chief lawyer, Rudy Giuliani disbarred. He tried to convince election agents, Secretaries of State, Governors, State Attorneys General and the Department of Justice to the extent of firing his acolyte William Barr and then attempted to replace him with a nonentity. Had he carried through with the latter he faced resignations from the whole Justice Department. He culminated with a pressure campaign on his Vice President Pence insisting that one man could overturn eighty one million votes. Once this was not going to fly he sent a mob to delay the counting of the electoral vote then to do” G-d” knows what to retain power. 

Jefferson’s (Thomas that is). Republic had been saved by a number of brave civil servants and elected officials all who had voted for Trump. 

With all this the question still remained - what was the state of what is charitably called his mind? Did he really believe that he had won? His culpability became evident when the young lady from the country stepped up to the plate and produced the evidence that Jamie Raskin had promised would “blow the roof off". Even Fox’s mad Murdoch could not ignore what Cassidy Hutchinson added to the debate. So he generally ignored her in the news section and let his propaganda night team smear her off the face of the earth.


Like an angel from heaven as in any Fairy Tale entered Cassidy Hutchinson. So Cassidy Hutchinson emerged from nowhere - well almost nowhere because it had been run in some media that a WhiteHouse aide had given twenty hours of closed door depositions and had important testimony. What followed could not have been scripted anywhere on earth. Firstly, who in heavens name was Cassidy Hutchinson who turned out to be a highly influential WhiteHouse employee who was in the inner sanctum literally within spitting distance of the Oval Office. As watchers rushed to Google they found very little. The famed Wikipedia initially was unsure whether she was twenty - five of twenty - six years old. There was one photo of her and Press Officer McCanee doing the YMCA behind the stage at a Trump rally. In addition she had a LinkedIn membership...

Cassidy was born and attended school in a tiny town in New Jersey and thereafter entered a little known College, Christopher Newport University. Yes, she too was a Trumpian oriented “Republican”. She had to have exhibited remarkable promise coming from "G-d" knows where studying at a tiny College in Virginia which had about four thousand students.  She had had successive internships with the number two House “Republican” Scalise, Senator Ted Cruz and then the Whitehouse.  In March 2020 Mark Meadows was appointed Trump’s fourth Chief of Staff and he immediately recruited  Ms.Hutchinson as an aide. In no time she was his “executive assistant” accompanying him everywhere. A fairy tale come true, a metaphor for a rags to riches story. 

Within ten minutes of Ms. Hutchinson’s public televised deposition it became obvious why she had risen to be a crucial player in the most powerful portal of American politics. Her intellect, command of the facts, honesty, credibility, courage, authority, poise, respect of her questioners and dignity radiated throughout the Cannon House Office Building and through the screen to the world. 


The role of Ms. Hutchinson could not have been scripted in Hollywood. Anyone who had come up with a screenplay or TV Series of “Cassidy Hutchinson Goes to the Whitehouse” would have been laughed out of sight. Not even The Disney Channel would have been remotely interested. Here was a young lady in her early twenties as a key player in the inner sanctum of the WhiteHouse who put beyond any doubt that Trump knew exactly what he was doing and was at the center of the coup conspiracy. Furthermore he was nothing but a bad mannered pig and at best a spoilt brat. She also closed the loop on the conspiracy. It was a Fairy Tale.  

Let just one statement sink in, the Chief WhiteHouse Council Pat Cipollone pleadingly instructs twenty - five year old her, on her way to be backstage with Trump and family at the Eclipse prior to Trump’s seditious exhortation to his mob, not to let the President march to the Capitol with them!  She claims Cipollone stated, “We need to make sure that this doesn’t happen… we have serious legal concerns if we go up to the Capitol”. Prior discussions with Cipollone  detailed the crimes that may be committed should the latter occur, 

The young executive assistant to Meadows overheard discussions with Giuliani and Trump where the Oath Keepers and The Proud Boys were mentioned. The first she heard of January 6 was when Giuliani mentioned to her, excitedly, that January 6 was going to be a great day and they were all going down to the Capitol. When she confronted Meadows on the subject, he countered that, “Things might get real real bad on January 6”. She was witness to Trump instructing Meadows to call Roger Stone on January 5. Stone’s bodyguards on January 6 were the Oath Keepers. Meadows wanted to go to the Willard Hotel where the key “Stop The Steal” conspirators, including Bannon and Stone, were. They were coordinating the January 6 insurrection. Meadows accepted Cassidy's admonition that it was not appropriate for Trump’s Chief of Staff to be there. So Meadows dialed in. She also highlighted the importance of Congressman Jim Jordan, McCarthys’ nominee to the Investigating Committee. Jordan was the only one who was allowed to interrupt his and Cipollone’s attempt to get Trump to call the mob off. So Cassidy connected all the dots of Whitehouse involvement in the conspiracy.- the January 6 insurrection was not a protest that got out of hand. It was preplanned with WhiteHouse involvement and was part of a vast conspiracy. 

Then there was the hundred and eighty seven minutes insurrection that Trump had to watch because his security detail refused to take the "f…ing" President to the Capitol where there was a recruited mob that he knew had weapons.  Meadows confirmed to Cipollone that Trump saw nothing wrong with the violent desecration of the Capitol and the threat to Pence’s life.  


The smear machine was at a distinct disadvantage since the Trumpists had no foreknowledge of her appearance and testimony which was shrouded in secrecy. The Trump loyalists had done everything to hinder her including witness tampering, plying her with mafia like warnings to be loyal to Trump World  She had to change counsel before she publicly testified replacing the Trump paid lawyers, who had advised against a public hearing. What must have stuck in Trump’s craw is that her new lawyers were those of Jeff Sessions his first Attorney General  whom he discharged because he wouldn’t stop the Mueller investigation. 

Trump, as always, led the charge on his new medium, “Truth Social ”. “I hardly knew who this person, Cassidy Hutchinson is, other than I heard very negative things about her ....a total phony and a leaker and when she requested to go ….to Florida… I personally turned her request down. Why did she want to go with us if we were so terrible. I understand that she was upset and angry….. She is such bad news…a third rate social climber…a total phony.  The former leader of the free world nevertheless seemed to know enough to smear her in detail. This is the  Fantasy land that Trump lives in.

The forty fifth President denied certain statements that he supported the cry to “Hang Mike Pence”. The full weight of his and so many others criticism focussed on her detailing of what she alleged was told to her by the Deputy Chief of Staff as to the happenings in his SUV on the way back to the West Wing.  Trump, however, never denied that he wanted to go down to the Capitol. He answered the warning that the police reported that the crowd was armed, that the only gun in the Capitol killed “poor Ashley Babbit”, the insurrectionist who breeched the Capitol. 

Fox News was its current ambivalent self with Brett Baier claiming her testimony was “stunning and under oath while Trump was on "Truth Social”. For the rest the three Fox nightly propagandists pulled her to pieces. Most disturbing were the disgusting comments that she was doing this for money and a job with MSNBC or CNN, One sick commentator claimed that she would “Never have to pay for a drink in Washington again”. 

The bottom line to her bombshell revelations is that Pat Cipollone negotiated an appearance before the January 6 committee and the latter has received a host of new evidence from witnesses speared on by Ms Hutchinson. Mick Mulvaney Trump's third Chief Of Staff now believed Trump was guilty. More telling is that other than Trump and his echo chamber the “Republicans” shut up in embarrassment. Cassidy had broken the spell.


The Special - Assistant to the President verbalized the response all Americans should have, “As an American I was disgusted. It was unpatriotic. It was un- American. We were watching the Capitol building defaced over a lie. And it was something that was really hard, in that moment, to digest, knowing what I’d been hearing down the hall, and the conversations that were happening”. 


As the sleepy Attorney General’s Office mulls over whether to charge Trump they need not get bowled over Trump’s obvious ploy to announce his candidacy for 2024 and claim fowl if he is then indicted. 

As important as everything else is in Garland's decision the validation of the courageous “Republicans” who have put their careers and lives on the line, has to be a persuasive consideration. 

So far can’t be sure that the goodies will live happily after but there has to be some hope. This is an ongoing tale. 

Next week will be a blockbuster with two open sessions, one in prime time. Then the key witness the WhiteHouse Chief Counsel Pat Cipollone is having a closed door deposition...... 

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