Wednesday, November 3, 2021


The Virginia election where a Trumpist in drag disguised as a “moderate” marked the successful metamorphosis of the GOP into the TOP (Trump Old Party). Race has become the central defining factor of the TOP which is in line with other cult characteristics. A phony charge that Democrat McAuliffe wanted to introduce race in education became the centerpiece of Trumpist Youngkin’s campaign. In spite of the designation of the Virginian race as a marker for the midterms it is not. That argument ignores history as the Virginia’s Governor race less than a year after a Presidential election has only once been won by the same Party as the WhiteHouse incumbent in over fifty years. Moreover Biden's agenda has not been passed because of the squabbling Democrats so that reverberated all round.

 The outcome of this race will in retrospect be more a marker of the total domination of Trump over what was the Grand Old Party, (GOP), than the defeat of Democrat Terry McAuliffe. The creation of the TOP necessitates that the constitution of the former GOP being changed so as to reflect the transition from a democratic to an autocratic party. 


In some ways the Trumpian candidate in Virginia with his dog whistles, innuendoes and codes is even more odious and sickening than the real Trump deals who do not shy from being out and out racist. Youngkin has defended the parents’ rights against school boards to control what the set work books should be. The sickening argument is that two books that chronicle American racism cannot be in the curriculum as they are by definition racist towards the whites. The fact that the volumes mentioned aren’t in the Virginian school curriculum Is irrelevant. Then the candidate, who had been endorsed ten times by Trump, didn’t talk about a “stolen election” rather election integrity and on and on. 

The candidacy of Youngkin, with no political record and arguing that he is just one of the people, who accepts the big time support from The Leader Trump while not sycophantly praising him seems to be the model for TOP contenders for future marginal seats. Herschel Walker a football star is Trump’s nominee in the forthcoming crucial election in Georgia. In addition the fights are to be undergirded on emotional cultural issues of race. The Virginians preferred a guarantee that two books would never be taught in the schools rather than what Biden was offering, namely free Child Care, child tax credits and pre kindergarten education. (Perhaps nobody believed that the legislative Dems would deliver)


The background to this election was ignored. It was taking place with the trial of the UniteThe Right protestors for the cold blooded murder of a counter protestor in Charleston, North Carolina. In the latter scenario Trump claimed that there were good people among those who sported Nazi symbols and chanted ,”The Jews Wont Replace Us” and the counter protestors. Then there is a trial in Kenosha Wisconsin where a seventeen year old opened fire and killed two protestors following a shooting at the hands of the police where the prosecution has been instructed that the murdered cannot be referred to as victims but rather rioters and looters. Tucker Carlson the leader of the Fox Right wing echo chamber has agued that the accused was maintaining law and order which the police should have been doing. Carlson is further conducting a documentary series countering that January 6, was neither “a peaceful protest” or “tourists visiting the capitol” but rather a false flag operation engineered by the Government to smear the supporters of the former President. Then Trump is attempting to cover up his logs and diaries relating to January 6 claiming executive privilege as he presumably argues that he is still President. (Sixty percent of the old GOP maintain that the election was stolen from him). 

Just in case there is any pretense that outside of Virginia anyone is pretending that the TOP is “moderate”, Senator Ted Cruz screamed at the Attorney General, (who happens to be Jewish), that the Nazi salute was legal under the First Amendment of the Constitution.  At a right wing gathering captured on tape an activist demanded to know when they were going take up guns to remedy the stolen election. All the while Trump who addressed the Virginian electorate by teleconference without Youngkin is upping the ante about the coup against him and that the protestors on January 6 were peaceful. 

Meanwhile Biden was reassuring the world that “America was back again”. A beleaguered world was only too happy to believe him in the hope that he could turn the tide of nativism that was sweeping the world. Biden more than anyone else is aware of the lead America plays and where the battle lines are being drawn between democracy and totalitarianism. 

Any rate to get down to more serious matters let’s return to the constitution of the newly formed Trump Old Party before looking at whether Democracy is lost or not,


Henceforth wherever the word GOP and or the Republican Party is mentioned substitute the name TOP (Trump Old Party). 

The objective of said Party is to revert to the original intent of the Founders of the Republic to only enfranchise white men. They foresaw the possibility of women, particularly in the suburbs, abandoning the cause and voting against the desire to Keep America Great. Moving with the times the franchise could be afforded to those who were obviously not white but who agreed with the White Man’s objectives and even to women who “know their place” as will be defined below.

The values of the TOP are enshrined in Christian Nationalism, Especially the Evangelicals who forgive sinners and believe that one, namely Donald J. Trump has repented and therefore has been ordained to Make America Great Again.

A cardinal self evident tenet of the TOP is that Donald J. Trump is the absolute sole arbiter of the policy of the Party and what it will take to restore the country to what the Founders, (see above), defined it should be, namely that only white men should participate in elections. All States controlled by the TOP shall see to it that the intent of The Founders’ is carried out in that only white moneyed men are allowed to participate in elections. (Exceptions may be made for non suburban white women and conservative non whites).

 In consequence of these facts all members shall embrace the fact that Trump is still President of the United States of America and that the pretender Joesph E Biden Jnr. “Stole the Presidency” from him at the insurrection of November 3 2020. That members further agree that the peaceful protest of January 6 has been distorted as being an insurrection and those that took part that are being incarcerated are political prisoners. 

All members shall contribute a chunk of their income to our leader’s Save America fund so that he is able to defend in the courts his constitutional right to be President and that his documents relating to the January 6 peaceful protest should be protected for the security of the America, the Founders, intended, (see above).

It stands to reason that for all public offices the TOP candidates are campaigning for shall swear allegiance and support the tenets of The Leader, in one way or another.

For those who still maintain office under the cloak of the old GOP and sacrilegiously defy the authenticity of the leader’s claims there shall be excommunication and expulsion. 

For those who think the above is funny it is not. It is deadly serious.

For those who take American democracy for granted think again. It is hanging by a thread and came within a whisker of crashing down.


The American electorate, the decisive section of it at least that swing elections one way or another don’t make their decisions by comparing the two alternatives. Rather the election is seen as a referendum on who is in power at the moment. The belief is that all the woes of the time are the responsibility of the current administration. This state of affairs is responsible for Biden’s low poll numbers. The fact that he hasn’t passed his transformative social and infrastructure bills yet is considered a failure and a reason to vote for someone who doesn’t give a hoot about these priorities. The inevitable outcome of some inflation when money is pumped into the economy to help society cope is regarded as a negative. No one stops and thinks that they couldn’t buy any gas at all if they hadn’t received the relief moneys. They rather blame the administration for the higher price. The latter attitude and the milksop TOP candidate in Virginia are the reasons why Virginia and New Jersey became battleground States. The plan is the same for the crucial Georgian Senate election where a non politician football hero is the TOP nominee who presumably will be the honorary white in the TOP line up.

The swing group that decide elections in America are the blue collar predominantly white male worker who had been left behind in the deindustrialization of America, the rural population that has been denuded financially with the migration to the cities and the white women suburban voters. Elections also depend on turn out particularly the African Americans, that the TOP believe shouldn’t be voting at all. The youth turn out is also an important variable. 

How might these be influenced in the three years to come?

The future includes the fact that each and every day Trump’s involvement in the January 6 insurrection becomes more and more detailed. There is every possibility that the law will finally catch up with him putting him on the defensive. This may stir up his base but ii is going to make the independents less likely to vote TOP. 

The two key stimulatory Bills may not have been passed early enough to influence the one year elections but one way or another they are going to get through. Whether the social  support bill is 1.7 trillion or 2.0 trillion is irrelevant. It is a ton of money to fill the gaps particularly for women voters who desperately need help in child care in the social bill and the blue collared workers in the industrial bill. The latter will impact rural areas as well as the infrastructure problems are spread across the country. 

Currently the blue collar industrial worker is on strike. For the first time in generations the governing administration are supporting them. Both Biden and the Secretary of Labor have visited the picket lines.

The abortion laws are about to be modified to a lesser or greater extent by the Supreme Court by members appointed by the Supreme leader who promised that they would do just that. Again that will secure the Evangelical vote but this move is not supported by the majority of women in America, most of whom live in the suburbs. 

Finally when Biden talks about “Who we are” as his cultural and climate message the youth and minority groups get the message. They are further away from the old divisive lines that have dominated American politics since time immemorial. 

Biden is backed by the African American caucus that is why he became the Democratic nominee in the first place and their large turn out won him the Presidency. They need to have their agenda translated in practical terms.


TOP is Trump as he controls the base. Those who hope that these elections indicate otherwise have not been taking note of who wins the TOP primaries. Without him who are the faithful going to rally around? Jay H. Ell has already outlined that Trump’s legal challenges are real and there is a good chance that he may not be available for 2024. Assuming that GOP hangovers like Nikki Haley or Marc Rubio are chance-less, the front runners of the TOP are Senator Ted Cruz, (The Nazi salute is a first amendment right), Governor De Santis of Texas who has made a royal mess of Covid management, and Governor Abbott of Texas of removal of abortion rights fame. None of the latter are going to win marginal states. The only serious replacement of Donald J Trump is Donald J. Trump Jnr who has been in the wings of late.

So TOP is relying on Trump to come through and be around. Supposing that he is, he has to be relying on voter suppression and controlling the electoral system as the days go by the demographics alone are against him. Alternatively Biden has to bomb big time. 


The Democrats have to stop wailing about what was left out of the infrastructure bills and start tooting their horns about what is in. Their Bill to support voting rights which has been authored by Manchin must become a priority, There has to be a carve out in the filibuster for a Manchin Voters’ Rights Bill!. If the caucus hasn't come to terms with the reality of Manchin and Sinema now is the time. They must also do what Biden did in the Presidential election stick to their agenda and let Trump run against himself. 

If Trump is charged there will be violence. The law agencies will have to coordinate their intelligence far better than they did for January 6 and act proactively. Also the Justice Department should step up its game in the prosecution of the leaders of the militias that invaded the capitol on January 6. The Judiciary are right to be pulling their hair out at the low level of crimes the insurrectionists are being charged with. 

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