Saturday, November 27, 2021


The Trump Old Party, (TOP)  has at its core worship of Donald J. Trump. You cannot join unless you swear a blind oath to The Leader. Trump demands complete and utter loyalty tolerating not the slightest deviation. In addition there is a belief that omnipotent Trump is marching to victory in 2024. Trump has been running in two elections since November 2020 - the one that he lost and the one in 2024.  Even if he isn’t the popular favorite the pundits have resolved that gerrymandering, voter suppression and result manipulation will send him back into the WhiteHouse. Added to that is the current low approval rate of President Biden coupled with the fact that the Party who controls the WhiteHouse loses heavily in the Midterms coming up in 2022. This will give Trump a springboard for 2024. In addition there is a refrain that Biden is half asleep at the wheel and allowing all the oxygen to be taken up by Trump. 

There are some leftovers from the old Grand Old Party that Trump transformed into the TOP. who don’t fully subscribe to the leader’s dictates. They are confident that they can repeat the successful performances of the GOP, (?), candidates in the recent Governorship races. The latter succeeded beyond expectation without Trump holding his Nuremberg style rallies in their support. However both candidates were endorsed by Trump who is claiming credit for their success because his base came out. The aspirants made it clear that they supported the Supreme Leader. Whether Trump pitches up and rains on your parade is up to him not the candidate.There is no way that he is going to be laid back. He will bless and eliminate candidates according to his will, the criterion being their blind worship of him. 

It is useful to peruse the constitution of the TOP which is based on the deifying the Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Trump,


* Central to acceptance in the inner circle, as much as it is central to Islam to visit Mecca, is a pilgrimage to the Temple of Mar- O- Lago to kiss the ring, {The Leader’s express term). This pertains whether for endorsement, to explain yourself if you have deviated from the gospel and/or when The Leader shall so decree.

* Acknowledgement that he is still President while at the same time affirming that Biden has stolen it from him. In so doing any and every Biden law or act, including pandemic control must be vigorously opposed. Even if the latter will benefit the country or a TOP candidate’s electoral chances. 

* The January 6 insurrection was a peaceful protest and those being incarcerated are political prisoners. 

* The Leader has no responsibility to reciprocate loyalty to the followers particularly in relation to legal fees that they may accrue in actions that supported him. If they are sentenced to prison terms and are still incarcerated at the time of his election for a third term there is a distinct possibility for pardon if it is in the interest of The Leader.

* There needs to be an ongoing effort to create a white vigilante militia to enforce Trumpism. They may well be named the Trump - Rittenhouse Storm Troopers.

With regard to policy, there are just a few issues - anti abortion, anti covid control and the promotion of guns and more guns. In addition any teachings that relate to slavery to lynchings to Jim Crow cannot be in any educational curricula. The “woke” crowd cannot be allowed to make white third graders feel like oppressors. There has to be ongoing creation of state laws that help TOP candidates being elected and if in the event these somehow fail, provisions need to be promulgated to reverse the obviously "fraudulent" election.

All the assets, employees, offices and particularly the money of the defunct GOP will be under the umbrella of the TOP. Employees who accept this dictum may remain on.

Trump will be succeeded by Donald J Trump Jnr. This is a dynasty. This needs reaffirming as there are number of TOP presidential wannabes. 


Remember it is three years to go before the 2024 Presidential elections. So far Trump is the only declared but not yet declared candidate. His most dangerous challenger for the position is Florida Governor de Santis who believes masks and vaccinations are for sissies. The latter platform is in line with The Leader's beliefs. De Santis garnered 43% support at a straw poll of a Conservative Convention, ahead of a slew of other TOP presidential wannabes. Respectfully Trump’s name was omitted in this exercise. Trump, who has an uncanny nose for danger, has identified the Florida anti vaxer as his number one threat. He flat out boasted that he would make mincemeat of de Santis if he ran. “But he won’t”, bragged Trump, because de Santis supports The Leader as the Leader “made” him. 

Then there is Vice President Pence who had on his TOP membership card, the number 1. But all good things must come to an end. Trump blames his former right hand man and leader of the choir in the echo chamber for not “Stopping The Steal.”. “He deserved to be hung”, Donald is quoted as saying. Trump, in typical whiney victim like fashion, claims that he dragged the nonentity Pence from obscurity only to witness the ingrate turn on him. For Pence’s part Trump was a great leader but he and Trump can never agree about January 6 - really! Pence is kinda doing the circuit that prospective presidential candidates do maintaining that his decision to run will not be based on anyone else in the field. Already he has the backing of heavyweights such as Newt Gingrich and Larry Kudlow.

There is also the rank opportunist from New Jersey, Chris Christie, who like card carrying member 1 states that his decision to run or not will not be based on whether Trump is in the field or not. He also has no misgivings for his support and key enabler role he played in Trump’s win, then only to be axed by son in law Jared Kushner for prosecuting Kushner’s corrupt father and sending him down the river. His slight deviation from the mantra is that Trump must move on from 2020. A cardinal sin if ever there was one.

Others at this very early stage whose toes are firmly on the TOP line are Texas Governor Gregg Abbot, Former Secretary of State Pompeo and Senators John Hawley, Ted Cruz and Mark Rubio. They are operating on the basis that Trump will not run and could anoint one of them. Abbot of anti abortion fame faces challenges for Governorship in Texas. Jay H. Ell believes that those who ran against Trump in 2016 such as Cruz and Rubio will not get the nod, even though, with Senator Hawley they were in the forefront of “Stop The Steal”. You get no second chances with The Leader. The same would apply for female candidates Ambassador Nikki Halley and Governor Kristi Noem who have mumbled minor disagreements. Kristi must have collected brownie points for presenting him with a Mount Rushmore sculpture with him added. 

There are non politicians such as Tucker Carlson, who is insanely ambitious as well as being insane. Carlson has a massive MAGA following and at the moment is FOX NEWS. One prospect being mooted all over the show is Candace Owens an African American Women who ticks of many of the boxes the old white men who are the backbone of TOP can’t. However John Jnr has to be daddy’s favorite above everyone else. 

The fact that there is so much discussion in this arena, many who are not purists, has to be feeding into Trump’s paranoia. It also is indicative of the fact that if he runs there will be challengers.  However Trump’s internal polling, for what that is worth, shows him way ahead of the TOP field as well as Biden. He has well over a hundred million in his political campaign coffers and is holding a massive fundraiser at the Temple of Mar- O- Largo in early December.

Thus there is much brewing in many pots that will stand in the way of giving him a clear run-in 2024. 


So there is open defiance on the cornerstone of the TOP - that Trump is still President - with two strong "Republicans" in Congress and at least two presidential candidates, pooh-poohing the bizarre claim. Even more ominous is the fact that the owner of the Fox News empire, Rupert Murdoch has told him 2020 is over. While Tucker Carlson marches to his own fascist drummer two Fox correspondents have resigned and consternation is brewing in the ranks at the latter’s lunacy. How Rupert yearns for a nice good old fashioned right wing conservative like Mike Pence.

Then if one looks at the TOP agenda - abortion, guns and the education, be careful for what you wish for. One way or another abortion is going to be limited. Roe v Wade is on the chopping block while gun laws will be reduced in this period of carnage with seventeen year olds shooting with AK 47’s in the street to the applause of Trump and Carlson. All of this is not going to win over the women voters and the independents. They won’t forget and if they do they will be reminded that it is the Supreme Court that Trump picked, on the basis he said, that were pro guns and anti abortion. He will get the credit for their decision from the base. With regard to education the TOP can run on the fact that they will ban curricula that haven’t been introduced in any school system. At the same time they have to answer why they did not support pre kindergarten free education as well child care for the mothers who want to work. Also as parents receive $3000 per year per child they will know they haven't got Trump to thank.

Three quarters of American women support the women’s right to choose and well over sixty percent don’t support the right for seventeen year olds to career around with automatic rifles looking for trouble and gun fights. The fact that this notorious behavior of this unremorseful teenager has become the poster picture of the TOP is hardly a winning text for the Presidency. Incidentally the majority of Americans don’t support the Covid nihilism that is associated with Trump and his followers. So what the hell is he going to run on!

To a certain extent Trump’s power will gravitate on whether his nominees will win their primaries in 2022 and if they do will they be enough in the mainstream to win election. A key race will be in Alaska where he is dead against Senator Lisa Murkowski who voted for his impeachment. He is backing another candidate while McConnell is backing  Murkowski as is the majority of the Republican Senate caucus. Incidentally, the former President is openly taking McConnell on. The latter has big financial keys to all the Senate races. The current Minority Leader in the Senate, unlike Trump who supports only sycophants, McConnell backs those whom he believes have the best chance of winning the actual election. Trump punted a candidate for the Pennsylvania Senate Primary whom a Judge has ruled against in a child custody case as he found him not credible and guilty of wife abuse. Trump will have problems with his Ohio and Georgia picks as well. In fact he will with his madcap narcissistic decision making open the field for Democrats to win State legislative positions in Georgia with his attacks on the current elected representatives because they would not overturn the 

Georgian election. 

Trump is directly responsible for the Senate being in Democrat hands as he almost single handedly lost both Georgia Senate seats by his intervention in that state’s senate elections. The burden of his message being the stolen election and the fact that the Republican establishment wouldn’t find him votes to reverse it. Trump is more likely to be a spoiler in key races than engineering a victory for his Party. The fact that he is making the crazies in the Senate and the House his personal poster children of the TOP is going to make it much easier to run against in every seat in contention.

Ongoing at the moment are the trials of seven hundred who were involved in the January 6 insurrection and whom Trump has characterized as being peaceful protestors. Several of the accused have been blaming Trump for their criminal acts. Some even offering to give evidence to the January 6 House Committee investigation. The latter has gained much intelligence on the conspiracy involved in that attempted coup. Again the circus like antics of Trump supporters like Bannon may mobilize the base but that is all. It will not gain him any votes from the independents. Another point worth noting is that the lower court judges are taking a tough line on the attorneys who carried Trump’s water that the election was fraudulent. Some have been censored, others referred to their professional bodies and a pair were instructed to pay nearly two hundred thousand dollars legal fees for bringing patently untrue claims. 

Litigation, brought by the victims of Trump induced thuggery, against the far right conspiracy mongers will result in the bankrupting of the organizations and their leaders. The Charlottesville Neo Nazis, racists and anti semites, whom Trump claimed "some were good people", are those targeted. Alex Jones, too, for his hateful depiction of the Sandy Hook massacre of children as being a fake will be bankrupted from the damages that will be awarded against him and his sick organization. 

Incidentally Trump declared the new poster child for TOP’s support of vigilantism remorseless Karl Rittenhouse, “A really good young guy”. All these guys, their organizations and their followers were and are Trump’s storm troopers. They are needed to get the base out. One thing is for sure,Trump is not going to bail them out with his pile of cash. He even gets the “Republican” Party treasury to pay his own legal bills raked up for his actions in his personal capacity.

The criminal and civil investigations against Trump himself proceeds apace in spite of the fact that Biden’s Department of Justice appear to be steering clear of investigating Trump’s sedition. However the attorney generals of New York and Georgia have no such inhibitions. 

So discussing Trump’s election chances in 2024 is really a media exercise. The latter being in denial as to the consequences as to what is going on around Trump. To put it at its kindest, "Loser" Trump is very unlikely to be a candidate for President in 2024.

In addition every one is counting out “Low Key Joe”, who won the election in 2020 being just that.


Biden is sticking to Plan A - that is to talk and act “moderate” and enact “transformative” legislation. Biden has been around the block. No one knows the game better than him. He takes a longer view than the next news cycle. He has already declared himself a candidate for 2024. Talking about bipartisanship appears naive but that is just what the independents want to hear. In fact his infrastructure bill garnered seventeen “Republican” votes in the Senate and thirteen in the House. He is being pictured with workers in the swing states explaining what he has done for them,(Covid relief deluxe),what he is in process already, (infrastructure colossal), and what is to come, (social safety net profound). Whatever his social Build Back Better plan delivers the sum total of this all is humongous. It is Eisenhower and FDR rolled into one and then multiplied. He is acting on inflation and opening up the gas reserves to bring down the price.

In the meantime Biden, will diversify to kingdom come, leaving little doubt that this country is a rainbow nation. Watch the Federal Reserve which has been to date like an elderly white man’s country club. He has reappointed Republican Chair Jerome Powell, (one up for bipartisanship), Vice Chairman is Democratic Woman, Lael Brainard and stick around and see who the next Governors are. Associate Justice Breyer has to resign soon and he has promised the first African American female Supreme Court Judge. 

He got the hell out of Afghanistan - a war no one wanted, is taking a tough line on China while talking to them for hours on end. America is back in the NATO, the world and taking a lead on climate change. So Biden is on the right page. He knows he can’t dig into Trump’s base but he doesn’t need to. Trump can’t win with just his base. 

What with the TOP Governors screaming at Biden for his Covid failures while ensuring them, Biden is plodding on with what amounts to a vaccine mandate. This has become more imperative as a new threatening variant crashes the scene.  With the Federal workforce on target with ninety - five percent vaccination it seems mandates work. Even though there are the “Republican” court challenges they are politically motivated and not from the companies that are by and large carrying them out. 

By the way his approval numbers are beginning to creep up as the unemployment numbers are at a fifty two year record low and twenty million are back at work. Inflation is a problem which if permanent would be reflected in interest and bond rates which they are not.


The Supreme Court cannot be saved from itself. Currently they are about to do what Trump said he directed them to do. Their approval rate is at an all time low having dropped precipitously within a year from fifty - six percent to forty percent. In many ways it is an indirect parameter of the opposition of the policies the Trump’s base support.

Declaring Biden and the Democratic Party dead is premature. It is Trump and his TOP that are more likely to implode. 

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