Wednesday, June 16, 2021


An eight party unity Government has just been sworn into power in Israel. The Government which has the barest of majorities in the Israeli Knesset consists of three right wing parties, two centrist, two left wing and for the first time in Israel’s short history an Arab party. The deal was put together by centrist Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid Party, who cobbled this disparate group, forging separate agreements with each and everyone. The  binding factor in this unprecedented deal, which is an experiment in political cooperation never imagined before, was a desire to remove long term Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Israel’s autocratic populist leader. Netanyahu gambled all on, victimhood, division and nativism which also sealed the fate of his closest ally, Donald Trump. The bottom line of the coalition is a more secular Israel, support of minority groups such as LGBT, infrastructure and welfare legislation and a resolve to eliminate corruption. 

Reading the list of understandings Lapid made with the participants affords a window into the manifesto of the coalition. The latter reads uncannily similar to Joe Biden’s legislative wish list. In fact the relationship with America features strongly in the work to be done. The list of Cabinet Ministers and their job definitions illustrates the genius of Lapid. It is indeed nothing short of a miracle that he was able to do all this in the allotted twenty - eight day period, especially bearing in mind that in the middle Hamas indiscriminately rained down four thousand rockets on Israel. The terrorist group having been given the excuse by the previous Prime Minister who had evicted Arabs from their East Jerusalem homes. The eight separate accords evokes the specter of confrontation and some cynics believe it will be even a bigger miracle if the Government lasts six months. However Bibi Netanyahu’s presence as leader of the Opposition and current defendant in a corruption trial will be a constant reminder to them as to why they all went to these extraordinary lengths to form a regime. 

One fact is for sure is that there are a lot of unhappy citizens as well - the deeply religious right, the secular Arabs and Bibi’s cult followers. Just like in America the new Government will have to prove itself with about half the population on the other side. The pact represents a paradigm change in the way that government operates with each cabinet portfolio given autonomy and the move to a far more secular society. It is an open secret that Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are the centers of the two Israels. Well, notwithstanding the recent move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, which is as hip as San Francisco, has become the de facto new capitol.


Yair Lapid, the centrist, is a charismatic former television anchor who put country before himself. It was he who was entrusted to form a government by President Rivlin after Netanyahu had failed. Crucial to his success, from the start, was to obtain the support of Naftali Bennett, who on the face of it was right of Bibi’s Likud. Bennett, who is an orthodox religious jew, heads the Yamina Party which is in favor of settlements while Lapid a confirmed secularist, still is committed to a two party solution between Israel and Palestine.This and other obvious clashes exist between the participants of the new government.  There are vetos that can be exerted so that the potential for dysfunction is great but for the moment giddy optimism reigns. 

Bennett will be Prime Minister for two years and Lapid would see out the remainder of the four year term. (To canniballize an old Yiddish joke - “the regime should only live so long”). Needless to say they have promised to serve all Israelis regardless whether they voted for them or not. It is fascinating to look at the initial job definitions of Prime Minister 13 and Prime Minister 14. Bennett, 13, is almost wholly concentrated on the domestic scene and Lapid, 14, as Foreign Minister has several departments thrown into the Ministry. He rather than Bennett will conduct international relations especially important being with the United States. A key stated objective in the latter is to llase with the Democratic Party to re establish bipartisan American support  for Israel. Also, bearing in mind that America has over six million jews, the majority of whom are not ultra orthodox, to reconnect with them as they have been alienated by Bibi. 

The Foreign Ministry will also conduct diplomatic relations with Palestine. 

Bennett's domestic agenda is massive with new hospitals, payment for universities for those who cannot afford tuition, a new university, establishment of hospitals and an additional airport, development of broadband, upgrading of Northern Israel, and on and on. Then there is Bennett’s advancement of the West Bank “on steroids” with a new transport system. Even Biden in his wildest dreams from his Delaware basement couldn’t match this wish list.


There are cabinet posts for all the coalition parties except the Arab Islamists as their leader Abbas demurred. Bennett acknowledged Abbas’s courage especially when he attended a synagogue service in Lod which had been torn by internal strife between Israeli Arabs and Jews. The pledge to the Arab Raam party provides three billion shekels, (just under a billion dollars), to fight crime and other projects. Demolition of non conforming constructions are suspended till 2024 and full recognition of three Bedouin villages are other key components. 

It is noteworthy that key ministries are under the stewardship of former Netanyahu acolytes. Avidor Lieberman, Finance, has resolved to modestly increase the social safety net, He is also addressing the impact of the Covid pandemic especially in the tourism industry. Lieberman stresses the need to timeously produce budgets that meet the needs of society. He has reassured that there will be no tax hikes. Bennie Ganz retains the portfolio of defense and Gideon Sa’ar Justice. There is going to be a separation between the Chief Justice and Chief Prosecutor making it even harder for BiBi to squirm out of his predicament.

In order to keep everyone happy there are twenty - six other cabinet appointments. Lapid’s Yesh Atid’s party has eight. For the first time in well over a decade there are left wing members in the cabinet controlling the portfolios of health, environmental services, public security, Diaspora affairs, (2 members). , regional cooperation and law and constitution, Three additional positions go to the Gantz’s Centrist Blue and White Party. That means that twenty of the thirty - one members are centrist or left wing. This represents a seismic shift in the direction of Israeli politics. Even Lieberman’s secular center right Yisrael Beiteinu Party has radical ideas as to how Israeli society should look.


Besides the trove of welfare improvements, infrastructure, women and LGBT rights, climate change recognition, the most controversial policies are directed at taking away the absolute power of the extreme Orthodox in a host of areas. The allowing of conversion through regional and municipal rabbinical authorities appears innocuous on the surface but it a move that will send shudders through the current establishment. Also the proposal that there be only one Chief Rabbi in Israel will not be met with acceptance by the orthodox sects. This is an area where the coalition has to tread wearily as Bennett’s Yamina Party is religious and retains a veto on any legislation. 

In the agreements that Lapid made with other parties there is an emphasis on secularization such as public travel on the Sabbath, pluralistic prayer at the Western Wall and recognition of all gender partnerships. The further outreach to non orthodox communities in the diaspora to the extent of creating a cabinet position to do so is also considered a priority.

What is off the table for the moment is any settling of the Palestinian issue. That would smash the delicate fabric of the agreement to smithereens. There is however consensus to pour money into the West Bank as well as not to tolerate aggression by Hamas.


The attitude towards Iran will not change under this arrangement. As long as the theocracy wants to wipe Israel of the face of the earth the stand off will remain. Generally, the country still remains highly suspicious of any deal made by the international five with the Iranians but the new administration will not repeat Bibi’s blunder by exacerbating the Democratic antipathy with his flagrant attack in the House of Representatives of Obama. The Bennett/Lapid leadership have made it quite clear that they want to consolidate the Abraham Accords. They will address the cooling off of relations with Jordan while attempting to expand regional relations. As long as the Sunni/Shia split endures Israel will grow more and more as the super power of the region. 

Israel has long maintained a supportive role in the world where ever there is a crisis or a tragedy sending medical teams and other support. That too will be maintained and enhanced. 

Where the new government are most anxious to regain acceptance is in the USA and Europe. This they can do by not behaving in an obnoxious and offensive manner. Netanyahu’s call to all the Jews to leave their respective countries evoked anger. They are more than mindful, one assumes, that the UNO will remain antipathetical to their existence, Biden has to be heaving a sigh of relief that he isn’t forced to deal with Netanyahu. His support of Israel to date has been unconditional. He will obviously do all he can with allies help to broker a two state solution.

All in all there has been a positive reaction to the outcome of the deliberations of Lapid and Bennett. While the sigh of relief has not been as audible as when Trump was ousted, the liberal democracies were bucked that another populist had bit the dust. The similarities between the American and Israeli situations were compared by famed New York Times columnist Tom Friedman who opined that the Israeli coalition was akin to Biden triumphing over Trump.


It will take an heroic effort and restraint by the Israeli coalition to stay alive. It is not a disadvantage that Bennett is deeply seated in the religious community. His message to the country was that they must stand together. He alluded to the two occasions that the Jews were forced out of the country by the Babylonians and then the Romans. He correctly pointed out that it was only because the citizens were so deeply divided that this occurred.  A fact that is acknowledged by the sectors of the population who believe that Israel has a biblical as well as legal right to the land. 

There are those that believe a  two state solution will weaken Israel. The reasons are both biblical and secular. Well seventy five years of wars and terror should be persuasive enough that the status quo isn’t working. It would appear that realistically with Hamas acting as Iran's proxy, the moves should be made to work a solution with the West Bank. What ever Naftali Bennett is thinking his developments of the area are movements in that direction.

Another misconception is that Israel should not be preoccupied in satisfying the West that they are a democracy in the crazy region that is the Middle East. Israel should opt for democracy because not only is it morally correct but because it gives them the best chance for survival.

If the Republican legislators had a fraction of the moral spine exhibited in Israel, American democracy wouldn’t be hanging on by a thread. In the USA, in one way or another they are all terrified of the insane tyrant Trump and have not the gumption to tell him to go to hell. Bibi is far more powerful, intelligent and rational than Trump yet they risked his ire and permanent political oblivion if they fail. As more and more revelations come out on the mob operation that Trump’s presidency represented the more the Republicans feign boredom. 

Politics is not a game where one side plays by the rules and the other doesn’t. Ask McConnell who doesn’t even pretend it is fair not to mention the Republican State legislatures. 

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