Sunday, November 22, 2020



Donald J. Trump has created an alternate reality that was backed by over seventy - four million Americans in the 2020 Presidential elections which he lost to Joe Biden. In addition he has nearly ninety million hanging on every word that emanates from his tweets. He now controls his own political party and has his own rag bag of disparate militias. With the Republican Party’s electoral platform being whatever Trump decided, his agenda was to halt America’s progress to an egalitarian democracy and create a white supremacist country. With the Republican Party’s full backing he went into the 2016 election as the first potential dictator and four years later he has consolidated his position within the Party but mercifully not within the country.  

As matters stand his voters and their elected Representatives are part of his cult to execute a coup d’etat on the existing order. Trump the person is really not much interested in policy or philosophy but rather himself. The narcissist is obsessed with power and attempting to monetize whatever he can lay his hands on. On the flip side  of the coin, this megalomaniac is also about to face a desperate fight for legal and financial survival. So it is certainly no sweat to continue with his sociopathic behavior to create a white supremacist Confederacy with no regard to the impact he is having on the wellbeing of the country. 

Trump’s immediate tactic is to challenge the result of the recent election, literally by hook or by crook. His inane legal initiatives having flopped miserably to the extent that no reputable lawyers will represent his fantasies in court he has had to resort to making his unhinged personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani the lead in his challenges, His political pressures on the swing states' Republicans to declare him the winner cannot succeed, However his efforts go a long way in delegitimizing Biden’s win and arguing that he is not really the loser and thereby allowing him to carry on the good fight.

The upshot of this all is that he is consolidating his hostile takeover of the Republican Party to form a Party with same objectives of the old Confederacy. In so doing he is  abandoning any pretense of democracy and the rule of law. The question is will he be able to hold onto the stranglehold of the party of Lincoln. And if so could he win another election in 2024.

All this is taking place with the giant elephant in the room being that if only whites were allowed to vote Trump would be President. 


Trump certainly has more support than Jefferson Davis had in 1861 but not an equivalent amount of firing power. The irony is that the Republican political party that defeated Davis in 1861 is now the Party that is launching Confederacy II.  It is in order to retain and consolidate his leadership of Confederacy Two, that Trump will not recognize the “rigged election” thereby refusing to legitimize the current democracy in his and his cult’s mind. 

It is not that the cult following Trump is in denial. They simply have bought into the fact that Trump does not operate under a paradigm that “All People are created equal” - rather he wants to continue the fight to keep America white. Trump and his supporters are not much interested in the facts that operate in the current American reality as aspired to in the Constitution. The electoral apparatus and everything else including voter suppression has to be rigged to support their system. Hence Lindsey Graham calls the Georgian Secretary of State to get rid of votes that weren’t for Trump. Trump himself openly pressures State Republican legislators to reverse their electorates' will and declare him the winner. In addition to the fact there is a buy in that the vote was rigged and Trump’s multiple court battles are evidence of this. 

It is not they are denying facts they have, as Kelly - Anne Conway proudly announced from early on, just another set of facts. 


Even though the progress to full equality may have been implicit in Thomas Jefferson et al’s minds it is not really what Jefferson Davis’s forerunners bought into. The “We the People” mantra was only initially agreed to for the rich whites. In addition the initial Constitution, ratified in 1784, rewarded the South electorally for having slaves. For purpose of State representation in Congress the Southern States’ population was calculated on the basis of adding the presence of disenfranchised slaves. Three - fifths the number of slaves were added to the number of whites in that state, The Constitution also stated that slaves could no longer be imported after 1808 but that was cheerfully evaded by importing them through Florida and Texas which were not yet members of the Union. By 1861 Lincoln had had enough and Jefferson Davis seeing the writing on the wall started Civil War 1


 Although the South lost they have been fighting the result ever since to this day, With the writing on the wall that the whites will be in the minority by 2050 the issue became more urgent. Thus in the twenty - first century, over a hundred and fifty years after the Civil War, the inheritors of the Confederacy ideal saw the evidence of their battle finally being lost, in the election of the African American Barack Obama to the highest position in the land, President and Commander in Chief. This fact was seized upon by Donald J. Trump who maintained he was not American and conducted a campaign against Obama’s legitimacy lasting five years.  

Trump in 2016 against all odds won the Republican Party nomination and went onto capturing the Presidency. In 2020 even though he had fully mobilized the latent racism and the white supremacists and successfully moved nearly half the country to accept his paradigm he lost the election. However he is ready to move onto the next phase. Now of course seventy odd million Americans don’t support his white supremacy agenda but they bear the same responsibility as if they did. But for the future much will depend on how many true believers there are.

Having established Trump’s motives and his sociopathic behavior, aided and abetted by the Republican legislators who behind closed doors disagree with him, where does he go from here? His immediate objective is to create a bigger and worse health and economic crisis, make the workings of the government an even larger shambles for the incoming regime. The fact that this will add to the death toll from coronavirus as well as bankrupt small businesses and weaken the country’s national security doesn’t bother him a jot,  

In short Trump wants to demolish the political system that just elected Joe Biden as that is in his path and will end any hope of white supremacy. With this as a paradigm anything goes to achieve this end - twenty - two thousand lies, denying science, killing Americans, utilizing the government to ones own ends and defying the Constitution…are all fair game, 


So the future is in the balance. How much he really cares about white supremacy is not as relevant as he is fighting for his own survival. He is aware of two factors that are inextricably bound - his white identity survival must remain the gospel and he must keep sole control of the Republican Party.

 Trump’s eldest son has made a move to lead the Republican National Party Committee. Having full control of the Party base and to date the blind acquiescence of the hierarchy means that officially holding the whole kit and caboodle will eliminate any defections.

Trump has many options to keep himself where he loves to be - in the permeant spotlight. As of this moment, even as a lame duck President he has the GOP, quaking in their boots, buying his narrative that the election isn’t over. To maintain this momentum he will declare himself a candidate for 2024. This would freeze all those sycophantic wannabes who would become enemies of the Trumpian confederacy if they declared their candidacy. The list is endless. Poor Mike Pence and his very good lady who have lived in obsequious sycophantic silence for nearly five years, will remain in obsequious sycophantic limbo should Donald declare himself a candidate.  Then there is the guy who was born in Canada, whose father assassinated Kennedy and whose wife isn’t a model, Ted Cruz, who has shilled for Trump like his life depended on it. Sweet wholesome Nikki Halley who has paid her dues and has even hinted at a run in 2024, in the belief that Trump would have reached his term limits, better rethink her options. Lindsey Graham who is lackey in chief and now numero duo in the “race baiting xenophobic bigot” stakes had to have fantasized that Trump will move his tent from town to town in support of him in 2024. For the foreseeable future he will have to hold back his ambitions and keep challenging the conclusion that the Russians intervened in the 2016 election and that Biden won in 2020. Then there is Pompeo, good old Rubio - the list of Republican candidates is endless but you get Jay. H. Ell’s gist - they are non starters if Trump can still hang onto center stage and will have to result is some sort of splintering of the hitherto immovable Republicans to get anywhere.

Trump could start a TV Channel and continue where he left off. He could further monetize himself by getting some one to ghost a book about what really went on in the WhiteHouse although there will be nothing new as he either spilled it out, or it was leaked or someone else wrote the story already. He could carry on doing his mass rallies and charge entry. He can employ the same organization that does the concerts for Billy Joel and Taylor Swift. He could start a hotel chain for the folks who want a big buffet breakfast and a bed for the night at reasonable rates. It would be a chance for the MAGA cap wearing warriors to stay in a Trump hotel. 

The possibilities are endless. But remember he has to keep his support and maintain his leadership position in the process to pose a threat.


Trump will soon be in a lot of personal trouble legally and financially in addition to occupying his time being the alternative government. He has to rate up there as one of the worst businessmen on this planet simultaneously to being the smoothest conman ever to have managed to persuade creditors to loan billions of dollars after venture failure after venture failure. 

Now the great big success that bailed him out, “The Apprentice” earned him four hundred and ten million dollars. That is less than half his current debt according to Forbes. That is awful lot of money. Somehow Donald is going to have to find a path. The days of forgiving him loans of over two hundred million are passed. One wonders who and why they forgave him two hundred and  seventy million for his recent Chicago white elephant hotel which is losing money hand over fist.

Besides all his tacky hotels and golf courses that he seems to be the only one that plays on, what are his assets? All of these are probably mortgaged to the hilt anyway. The best The Donald can hope for is to get all his creditors in one room, it has to be a very big room, and see if they will accept five cents in the dollar if he has got it? The problem with that solution, politically, is that half his schtiek is how rich the blue collar workers’ champion is. 

Then there is the litigation which has already advanced. Obviously he will pardon himself and members of his illustrious family for all crimes Federal up till the day of Biden’s inauguration. However that does not let him off the hook for State Crimes and the Civil litigation he faces. The New York State Attorney Cyrus Vance as well as his Manhattan counterpart are far gone into their investigations. There can be no impediment in getting documents now and his son Eric has already been deposed. How much criminal liability the Forty Fifth President faces remains to be seen. Not even being mentioned that he is a de facto unindicted co conspirator for a crime that Michael Cohen went to jail for.

His civil litigation makes Clinton’s woes seem like petty offenses. He is accused of defaming a woman he allegedly raped and another, an Apprentice contestant, whom he allegedly sexually assaulted. The reason there are no criminal charges for the actions are because of the statute of limitations. In the former case he has been asked for his DNA and if Clinton a President had to give his, private citizen Trump has no legal standing what so ever. Then the one that could hurt the most, his niece is accusing him of defrauding her and her family out of a large large chunk of change in their inheritance. It is an ugly story and carries a heavy bounty. 

Through all this he has to retain his Svengali like spell over what was once the Republican Party electorate and keep control, akin to Stalin’s over the Politburo, over the Republican legislators. 


What percentage of the faithful with or without MAGA caps are white supremacists? Who will hang until the bitter end? Will the majority Republicans in the Senate continue to buy publicly the Alice in Wonderland story that Trump really won the election because there was a massive fraud? There are two crucial periods - before and after January 20, 2021. Trump needs obviously to survive the former.

The lame duck POTUS is making it quite clear that he does not believe he is a lame duck. He has a twin strategy of survival - challenge the election results and declare himself the winner and generate fear into those Legislators who are thinking of crossing him by firing an array of administration officials some former Republican politicians who have challenged his narrative or policies. The one strategy that misfired, namely that the coronavirus was “a nothing”, is an albatross around his neck, which he sidesteps or talks about the emergence of successful vaccines that he argues he accelerated by Operation Warp Speed.  

So far the success of this strategy has not been universal. The Republican Senators are not under the same regimental control as they were previously. On at least on a few issues a number have come out against him - that Biden should be getting security briefings, the firing of the cybersecurity chief Christopher Krebs and the nomination of a madcap Federal Reserve nominee. There is one that has even got his cheerleader in chief, Mitch McConnell to publicly condemn, namely his sudden pulling out of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Firing Cabinet Secretary of Defense is an indication that the reported private revolt is bursting into the public. Mitt Romney issued a highly condemnatory statement on his undemocratic moves to keep himself in power. Texas Senator Corbyn added that it was time that he recognized Biden as the “apparent winner” and he be certified him as such.  Joni Ernst of Iowa distanced herself from his undemocratic behavior. The Republican leadership in the House broke ranks when the number three, Liz Cheney, condemned the attack on the system. He is in open warfare with a number of Republican Governors and one of his former inner circle, Chris Christie said that his legal strategy and the team executing it were a “national embarrassment”. 

His Million MAGA March turned out to be a damp squib with only thousands present, a few nonentity Conservative politicians and the far right, The Proud Boys were there in limited numbers but generally the attempt to unite the group under the banner of “Stop the Steal” had limited success. Those that braved the cold were rewarded by a perfunctory wave by the revolutionary President on his way to golf. 

His continued leadership is on the ballot in the two Georgia run off elections where Joe Biden beat him. He cannot hope for much joy from this result as if the Republicans win, as they are currently favored, it is a retrospective rejection of him, if they lose they have lost the Senate. 

Then sooner rather than later the States will ratify the election results and then the pressure to acknowledge Biden as the President Elect will be overwhelming. After recounts and court cases only the hard core will go into the streets. The electorate may be divided but Jay H. Ell doesn’t believe most are ready to go to war.


Much will  depend on what happened before but the ball will be in Biden’s court. If he can deliver on Covid, get a stimulus package through, a job deal and some normalcy Trump won’t go away but maybe he won’t have the field to himself in leading the other half of the country. Maybe someone will resuscitate the Old Republican Party that came to the conclusion in 2012 that it no longer could afford the luxury of being an all white party with the changing Demographics in America. Trump will do all he can to keep control and while he does he will take no prisoners. But those spineless Republicans take heart from the outcome of his TV Series The Apprentice which NBC took off after a total of a 192 seasons, about four years viewing time, for low ratings. We have all just been force fed ,on every channel,  “The Presidency” and hopefully it and its plot will be permanently shut down as this show’s four years are up.

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