Friday, August 28, 2020



Donald Trump is running for President, like he did in 2016, on Law and Order and racism. He is ignoring the fact that the violence he is referring too is happening on his watch and that the mantra “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America” is like everything else that is emanating from his campaign - without any evidence whatsoever. The irony of his cry “Make America Safe Again”, ignores the fact that it is the unsafe America he has created that he is referring too. Jay H. Ell will show that he is the most lawless President in living memory. 

Up untill recently the focus on Law and Order had subsided as the issue of crime has not been in the top four worries of the electorate. But the picture changed with a spate of police shootings of unarmed African Americans resuscitating the Black Lives Matter movement. Then when a tiny town in Wisconsin, Kenosha, became a raging angry homicidal melting pot simultaneously as the RNC were trespassing on Government property, the whole issue became front and central to Trump’s re election strategy.  Street violence followed yet another police shooting of an unarmed black person in Kenosha with the inevitable sad aftermath of looting and clashes, Trump became more vocal at toting his non proven skills at resolving the crisis and therefore the compelling need to anoint him for a second term as President. He has seized on this issue with a vengeance as his approval ratings on everything else are in the gutter.

All this to the background of Trump being anointed as the undisputed dictator of the Republican National Party. The latter declared that their entire platform for the 2020 Election is to support their leader, Donald Trump - reminiscent of the 1930’s cry -“My leader right or wrong”. It is just the American electorate as a whole that he has to convince now. 

The POTUS needs reminding that he is the current President, that it is in Trump's Great America, which he hopes to keep Great that this crisiis is taking place. If anything Trump is a facilitator of violence and if his overall record is examined one needs a Law and Order President to reign him in. Anybody that is associated with him is indicted. He has a resume of clashes and settlements with the law over fifty years and at present he is breaking the law with gay abandon. He and his family are currently being criminally investigated by two branches of the Judiciary. His Presidency has been punctuated by infractions that would make a mob boss blush. 



Trump seized on the Kenosha issue as it dovetails with his attempt to terrify white suburban women back into his tent as he conjures up black hordes squatting in white suburbs resulting in their real estate values tanking. Trump implies the old racist canard white women aren’t safe from the rapacious blacks.  The POTUS without as much as an acknowledgment to the fact that the protests and their sequelae followed the actions of the shooting of an unarmed black suspect where a half a dozen bullets were fired into his back, went into full throttle. “We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence and lawlessness on American streets “, he triumphantly tweeted. (BTW the “housewives” in the suburbs need to fear the POTUS if his Access Hollywood tapes are to be believed that he can “Move very heavily on them”).  Journalist Jean Carroll is researching other womens' complaints prior to the 2020 election following her detailed and corroborated allegation of Trump’s rape of her. 

Had Trump waited a little bit longer before going on his rant he would learned that an obsessive supporter of his, who had attended his rallies, and had tweeted the Trump mantra, “Blue Lives Matter”, shot and killed two black protestors and injured one. He also might have come to terms with the fact that black sportsmen had had enough of the abuse and ridicule they had faced for standing up for justice. It was like eons ago when Trump felt he was on the right side of history when he called kneeling quarterback Colin Kaepernick “a son of a bitch”. Now corporations and more Importantly team franchises were backing their players. That very night league games were postponed in protest to yet another shooting.


Well the Law and Order President has just learned that his former Campaign Advisor Steve Bannon has been indicted for fraud. He joins another of Trump’s Campaign Managers, Paul Manafort, who was convicted for bank and tax fraud and is currently serving seven and a half years. The Republican led Senate Committee recently stated that during Trump’s campaign that Manafort was providing a Russian intelligence officer with campaign and other information - so much for the Law and Order candidate. Donald Trump’s key to the evangelical vote Jerry Falwell Jnr has just been forced to resign as a result of a salacious sex scandal. You cannot make this up - Law and Order President Trump’s chief connection with the Evangelicals is a sexual deviant. 

Just to stick to what is happening to the Law and Order President in the here and now he and his family are currently being investigated by the New York State’s Attorney Office and the Manhattan Attorney. With regard to the former his son Eric who made such a stout recommendation for his dad at the cult meeting, has refused an order to be deposed in the criminal investigation of The People v President Trump and the Trump Organization on bank and insurance fraud. Trump also is in the process of having his tax returns finally released in relation to an investigation by the Attorney General of Manhattan, New York. This case has already been to the Supreme Court once where the latter ruled that a sitting President was not immune from a criminal investigation.

Then in California a court ruled that the President had to pay for Stormy Daniel’s legal fees in her litigation against him. To add insult to injury Trump’s sister a former Federal Judge Maryanne Barry, confirmed what her niece had written in her tell all book, that he illegally got a friend to write his entrance examination to get into the University of Pennsylvania. Admittedly the statutes of limitations have run out on that crime but still hardly something you would want on your resume while the cult coronates your leadership.

A number of cases involving sexual abuse are wending their way through the courts to add to the Law and Order President’s woes.


All political parties have to spend a year and a fortune of money to organize and arrange a Congress. Central to the Congress is the venue. Initially the RNC elected the swing state of North Carolina.The RNC Convention Plan to re elect Trump was in the characteristic chaos of everything Trump. They told the Governor of North Carolina he could go to hell if he thought that they would conduct their jamboree according to CDC Guidelines and North Carolina law. They would change the venue even at that late stage for Jacksonville Florida. From the get go it was an idiotic decision because that city did not have the accommodation for the thousands that would pitch up. So the ever thinkers on their feet decided that they would bring in ships. The problem with the latter was that they were petrie dishes for Covid. Jacksonville could never have been on as more and  more Covid hit. 

Then Trump came up with the brilliant idea “Have it all at my House”. It is after all “His House” and there he could ignore Washington DC and CDC regulations on Covid.  For those that don’t know he believes he owns the Government, it’s property including the WhiteHouse. Everyone in the Fedral Government owe loyalty to him not the American people. The GOP still needed some token center so three hundred delegates were sent to spend the week in North Carolina where Trump made a guest appearance. For an hour he gave them an unscripted rave about The Deep State, even though he had been President for nearly four years so he is the Deep State. With a straight face he claimed that it was out of respect for the Great State of North Carolina that they were all there!

The Hatch Act specifically states that it is illegal to use Federal Property for non governmental activities. Trump with all the pomp and ceremony accorded to his Office utilized the Whitehouse as a backdrop for his re election effort. A long video segment of a naturalization ceremony was featured.  Melania gave her speech in the Rose Garden where guests sat non social distanced and unmasked as they did with Trump with election notices plastered all over the show indicating that it was like a Trump Hotel or Trump Tower.

On night three Mike Pence Vice President utilized another Federal Government property for the Trump Party at the historic Fort of McHenry at Baltimore. 

Then Federal Property was utilized for the endless procession of speakers at the Convention - not the North Carolina or Jacksonville Florida venues. The stately Andrew Mellon Auditorium was dolled up as the speakers lined up one after another either on tape or in person to hail the king. (The “housewives” wore in the main red dresses or red pant suits and the men red ties).There is some debate as to whether or not this facility could be legally rented to the RNC. The Democrats have pointed out that it is no coincidence that the nearest hotel to the facility belongs to family Trump who doubled their room rates for Convention week.

Mike Pompeo was the first Secretary of State since the war to speak at a political convention.  So from the top of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem where the tax payer was paying one big  bill for him and his entourage to stay, he chimed in his bit as to what a cultural icon the six time New York bankrupt artist was. For the uninitiated the Israeli backdrop was for the benefit of one of the key components of his base the Evangelicals where he has been losing ground of late. This move reassures them that Israel will be around for the Messiah to return.

Without a doubt the most gross and cynical abuse of using tax payer facilities at no cost was the utilization of the WhiteHouse for a citizenship ceremony for five individuals who Trump is generally trying to keep out as they are all from sh..thole countries. Then he pardoned an armed robber who redeemed himself by studying the bible and starting a movement entitled “Hope for Prisoners”. 

But as Mike Meadows, Trump’s Chief of Staff, claimed nobody outside the beltway cares about the Hatch Act. With no irony whatsoever he added that, “People expect that Donald Trump is Going to Respect Republican values”. As they say in the classics “Tell that to the Judge”. As an aside Meadows was one of the Hatch Law’s greatest supporters in Congress drafting multiple pieces of legislation to strengthen the law and increase punishments for infringements. 

Jay H. Ell was reminded of the Royal Family waving to the crowds from Buckingham Palace as the Trump crew stood on the balcony of the WhiteHouse acknowledging the cheers, presumably of the nation. 

Quite a busy week in the arena of Law and Order for our Law and Order President.


Let Jay H. Ell return to those of his campaign team that were indicted in addition to Manafort and Bannon. There was his Deputy Campaign Manager Rick Gates, Manafort Associate Alexander van der Zwaan, Advisors George Papadopoulos and the notorious Roger Stone, whose sentence Trump negated. Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor is awaiting sentencing while his Attorney General Barr is trying to get his charges quashed even after he pled guilty. Then of course there is his former personal Attorney Michael Cohen whose indictment named Trump as “Individual One” who instructed Trump to make the illegal payment to Stormy Daniels.

Of course there is so much more to come. His current personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation in New York and two of Giuliani’s associates, who had endless meetings with our Donald on the subject of Ukraine, Lev Parnias and Igor Fruman, are scheduled for trial in 2021, 


It is illegal to obtain any help of any sort from a foreign country during an election. Trump publicly stated, “Russia are you listening” in connection with the procuring of Hillary Clinton’s e mails by means of hacking. The Mueller report claimed that it could not prove actual criminal collusion with Russia in their assistance of him in the election. However Mueller’s probe and a thousand page Senate report headed by the Republicans documented that he sought and welcomed their aid. The Mueller investigation laid out a powerful case of Obstruction of Justice against the President but it went no further because it is apparently Federal Justice Policy not to indict a sitting President. A reading of the Senate Intelligence Report presents a strong case for perjury as well. 

Trump has to be asking himself why the Senate Controlled Intelligence Committee released this damning report on the Russian intervention, detailing his knowledge involvement and encouragement, in the 2016 Presidential election. That combined with the fact that any Senator that was in a remotely close race except for Joni Ernst (Iowa) was not on the Congress speaking list. The swing states include red states like Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Arizona. The Law and Order President is showing no leadership in warning Russia to “cut it out” as the Intelligence Community state that Putin is at again. Trump has failed to challenge Putin, who has put a bounty on American soldiers that has been collected by the Taliban. The Senators in swing States see being associated with Trump as detrimental to their cahnces.

His inexplicable cow towing to Putin has lead even the most Conservative of commentators such as Francis Fukuyama to muse that the Russians may have stuff on the Law and Order President.


The Law and Order President created a University where he defrauded students to enroll with the promise of obtaining a degree so they could increase their incomes The sales pitch was revolting and the recruiters were instructed how to persuade victims to part with savings. Trump forestalled the litigation. He settled by paying the plaintiffs twenty - five million dollars. He bragged what a bargain that was. The second glaring example of the Law and Order President’s lawlessness related to the “stealing” of moneys from his Charitable Foundation. The Courts ordered it shut down and ruled that Trump could not form another. He was heavily fined as well. The Court found incontrovertible evidence that Trump had used moneys for his own political purposes that ironically been donated by others.

These two gross abrogations of law that have been adjudicated in the past four years are the epitome of evil.


Trump devoted much of his speech to attacking Biden. The fact that he fears  Biden’s candidacy was epitomized by the fact that he risked his Presidency by the illegal action of insisting that the Ukrainian President provide dirt on Biden in return for moneys that Congress had appropriated for Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression. Much of the heavy lifting of the attack on Biden and his son Hunter was undertaken by the former Florida Attorney General Pat Bondi as she did in Trump’s impeachment trial.

What Bondi omitted to share with all and sundry was that she is linked to one of the President’s illegal operations. Bondi had been one of the many Attorney Generals in the country who had supported the complainants in the litigation against Trump and his bogus University. However she withdrew her support around about the time that she received a check in support of her re election campaign from Donald J. Trump the Law and Order President. The source of the moneys was the Trump Charitable Foundation. 


So Trump has elected to run on his racist agenda and Law and Order. It remains to be seen how successful the new cult leader of the Republican Party will be. His love affair with the gun loving vigilantes and his threat that the election will be rigged against him raises the fear that he might not accept the result.

The RNC aided and abetted Trump in proceeding as if the Coronavirus crisis didn’t exist while simultaneously hailing him for the greatest response to the pandemic in the world. America was led to imagine that the hundred and eighty thousand victims would rise from the dead when a vaccine emerges.

It is becoming more and more evident that the lawless Trump, the GOP’s leader right or wrong, is on the path to authoritarianism if he is re elected. His distortion of reality is veering the country in the direction of George Orwell’s 1984. 

1 comment:

  1. Jay. H. Ell has laid out some of the “crimes and misdemeanours” of this thoroughly bad human being, who happens to be the POTUS. It’s probably only the tip of the iceberg. But the ongoing riots and civil unrest and the Democrats muted response means that the spectre of a second Trump term is becoming increasingly likely. This utterly lawless president is cynically playing the law and order card for all it’s worth and with pictures of Kenosha looking like a bombed out Syrian city and the stories of ordinary citizens having their shops and businesses trashed, he’s going to get more traction with every passing day. Surely no repeat of 2016; don’t bet the farm against it!
