Sunday, October 27, 2019


Donald J. Trump has in a thousand days in office spawned close on fourteen thousand lies. It is impossible to enumerate his life long total as the media only took score after he was elevated to the Presidency. Two of his great lies, which he developed into major themes, preceded his taking his oath. The third monumental lie is designed to get him re elected.

Trump's three grand lies which have become central to his narrative, are: Barack Obama was born in Kenya; Hillary Clinton’s e mails were a major breech of national security; and finally, the one in progress, is that former Vice President Joe Biden used his office to prevent his son going to jail in Ukraine. The Obama lie established him as a national political figure in the twenty - first century and thereby a potential presidential contender, the “crooked” Hillary falsehood helped his election to the Presidency and the latest on Biden, Trump believes will get him reelected. 

A confluence of factors produced the phenomenon of Trumpism including the fact that trust in the whole Washington political establishment had plummeted. Besides exhibiting the traits of salesmanship and showmanship to a tee, he exploited the digital communication revolution with unparalleled skill. In addition the traditional media gave him continuous exposure which they have continued doing to this day. In the main they deride him but have not desisted in providing the wall to wall coverage he craves and needs to remain competitive. They are still in the process of assisting him perpetuating his first two great lies and promoting his next humongous one, namely that Joe Biden is the corrupt participant in the 2020 Presidential election, not him.


How on earth does Trump sustain these falsehoods perpetuating and elaborating on them again and again to become the central focus of the political narrative? The answer to that question is multifactorial. To begin Trump is the most powerful propagandist and demagogue since World War II. Added to that is his innate skill at sensing what is in his cult's gut, then converting their emotions into victimhood and finally pronouncing himself as their savior. 

Like all peddlers of hate there have to be targets they can attack as the scapegoats of the darkness. In these instances they are Obama, Clinton and Biden. The former two are still trotted out but the Satan du jour is Joe Biden. But if his garbage was not on every Cable News Channel 7/24 he would only have Fox News, his Nuremberg Style Rallies and tweets to rely on and he would not be able to control the national narrative to the extent that he does.

Trump’s message is initially generated by the communication revolution his rise to prominence coincided with. His outrageous assertions, lies, conspiracy theories are magnified, multiplied and recycled ad infinitum. Every kook and gullible follower with a computer and hand held printing press can now speak to the world. As Trump himself has argued a four hundred pound individual sitting on a bed can join in the game. The Donald can fan the flames non stop with his tweets which he shoots out on everything and anything. The irony is however that for whatever reason the garbage is reiterated, commented on ad nauseam with reports and panels in the traditional media where it then gains respectability as a subject of legitimate debate. 


His crackpot themes are thus given legitimacy by the “Fake News” he derides. They report each and every utterance and outpouring. Then panels discuss each phony lie he utters giving him more and more air time. In so doing they create moral equivalencies that don’t exist. This they did by following Hillary’s e mail scandal hit by hit, thereby helping him magnify this administrative misadventure into a national security crisis far worse than his decades of lawlessness. On the TV Channels experts that should have known better, to Trump’s glee, debated the political, moral and legal implications of Clinton’s ersatz problem. Now that four and a half years later the issue has officially been declared dead by the latest Governmental investigation which was initiated at Trump’s behest, the apologies by the “fake news” media are flying in - on page six.  Needless to say Trump ignored the outcome as he mutated the Hillary lie into another one.

The lie takes a new twist with regard to Hillary as the POTUS now claims that Ukraine assisted Hillary in the 2016 election. In addition he claims that her 33,000 deleted private e mails have been hidden in Ukraine and it was Ukraine not Russia that hacked the 2016 Presidential election. 

Adding to his media attention is the coverage now provided for the preposterous decision by Trump’s lackey Attorney General’s decision to criminally investigate the Justice Department’s enquiry into Russia’s intervention in the 2016 Presidential election. The smear is that good old Obama, (who really was born in Kenya!), planted an agent to pretend that Russia was intervening on behalf of Trump. In addition Barr told a Senate Committee that Trump was spied upon. 

That is all such rubbish. Obama didn’t publicize the Russian intervention during the 2016 Presidential campaign because Mitch McConnell would not join him even though he agreed with the Intelligence agencies' findings. Obama without bipartisan support did not go ahead as he feared that this would be interpreted as intervening in the election on the side of Hillary Clinton. Without going into much detail the near five hundred page Mueller report detailed the Russian playbook and the Republican controlled Senate Justice Committee has just issued a bipartisan report that the Russians intervened in favor of Trump in the 2016 Presidential elections. 

 The eventual outcome of whatever Barr is pretending to investigate will be exactly the same as the enquiry into Hillary Clinton’s emails. The "finding" will be announced in 2023. If Trump is reelected he will ignore this finding in 2023 much as he is ignoring the finding that Hillary Clinton and her handling of the emails was never illegal. 

So the legitimate media must ignore Barr’s bogus enquiry. Jay H. Ell does not want to hear how honorable the investigator John Durham is and what a great big institutionalist he is. He has heard it all before in connection with William Barr. If Durham has any integrity he would have not taken this blatant political hit job at Barr's behest. 


History is not going to be too kind to the folding of the Republican Party National Committee, and legislators, who for expediency sold out their country and its constitution to this corrupt charlatan. The GOP leadership ran cover for this megalomaniac ignoring his corruption, self dealing, incompetence and his pathological lying, thereby risking this country’s national security and reputation. In the teeth of the exposing of his utilization of taxpayer’s money to get Ukraine to back his lie that Joe Biden covered up his son’s Ukrainian corruption, they even resorted to childish behavior to show their support for him. Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are proposing a motion in the Senate Echo Chamber to condemn the Democrats for conducting the impeachment investigation. 


Trump has not let go of the  bogeywoman Hillary Clinton while the smears against Barack Obama have escalated into a criminal enquiry. These two scapegoats have now been joined for the 2020 contest by Joe Biden. This attack on Obama’s Vice President have been componded by Trump's abuse of power and an attack on the Constitution of the United States of America. 

Trump, for whom no depths are too low to sink, has used the power of his Office, decisions of Congress, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Attorney General and his personal attorney to assist him in smearing his most dangerous 2020 political opponent, Joe Biden. This flagrant unashamed abuse has resulted in the impeachment enquiry where evidence is piling up that he demanded that President Zelensky of Ukraine, assist him in his Biden smears. Failure to comply would mean that Ukraine would not receive moneys voted by the Congress nor would Zelensky gain a much needed WhiteHouse visit. The story becomes even more disgusting as Ukrainian lives depend on the military assistance needed to fight Trump’s newest best friend Putin’s aggression and seizure of Ukrainian territory. 


Besides the damning daily evidence leaking from the Impeachment Enquiry there are legions of court challenges that are beginning to catch up with Trump. The DC Federal Court has instructed the Department of Justice to hand over the documents relating to the Mueller Report. Another Federal Appellate Court viewed the Trump refusal to provide documents on the basis that it was illegal to investigate let alone charge a sitting President, with "shock". Trump’s Counsel argued that not only could the President shoot someone on Fifth Avenue law enforcement could not even stop him! 

There are nearly two dozen court cases in process against the POTUS including civil actions arising out of his alleged sexual attacks on women. Ultimately Trump believes the Supreme Court will rescue him by reversing unanimous decisions forcing Nixon and Clinton to comply with congressional oversight.

Parallel to all Donald’s legal jeopardy are the criminal charges against two close associates, who were assisting his current personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani in the Ukranian project, and the fact that the latter is under a counter intelligence investigation. All of this activity relates to the quid pro quo impeachment enquiry into Rudi’s client the President of the United States of America.

The Senate firewall is showing cracks. McConnell denied outright that he confirmed to the President that his phone call to President Zelensky was “perfect”. The Press are reporting that as of this moment there are eight Republican waverers in the Senate who could vote for the President's removal if the evidence was there. Even backside licker in chief Lindsey Graham is hedging his bets and Trump is apparently furious that Graham is not investigating Biden in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The media have not focussed on the fact that the attack on Biden shows that Trump is terrified that in the 2020 election the former Vice President will beat him hands down. Also they must not create a moral equivalency of the ethically questionable business involvement of the Vice President’s son with Trump’s unprecedented corruption. 

The media too should not endlessly ruminate on the abuse of power by Trump and his sidekick Attorney General William Barr in initiating a criminal inquiry in the hope of proving the farcical conspiracy theory that Obama spied on Trump.

Hopefully, Trump’s third great lie will be his undoing. 

Mazeltov to Trump on the killing of ISIS Leader Baghdadi. Like he tweeted in 2012 it was not Obama who killed Osama Bin Laden it was the Navy Seals. 

1 comment:

  1. With one bound he was free. Trump has been on the ropes in the last three weeks with the impeachment inquiry and his disastrous Middle East policy. Unfortunately, taking out Baghdadi will change the narrative and he’ll play it for all it’s worth. Politics is all about optics and this looks like a big coup for the Donald.
