Wednesday, December 14, 2016


There is a thin redline standing between a major change in the philosophy by which America conducts its foreign policy which in turn reflects its own basic values. (America since its inception has stood for the values of democracy and freedom and in the twentieth century defended these concepts globally at the expense of vast quantities of blood and treasure.) 

There are very few areas where Trump is transparent and unambiguous. Putin’s Russia is one of them. Trump is moving from every direction, systematically and comprehensively to align America with the totalitarian  Russia. He has articulated that in so doing it could well be at the expense of NATO which recently gained insurmountable ascendency with the affiliation of several of the former USSR countries who were finally shot of Soviet hegemony.

 The only block to this transformation in American foreign policy is the Republican Congressional Membership who now have the choice between patriotism to every principle America claims to stand for or partisanship in the hope that Trump is more good than bad for their brand.


Putin is an unashamed imperialistic amoral dictator. He has clamped down on press freedom in Russia and is said to be responsible for the murder of journalists. He has put opposition leaders  behind bars in show trials reminiscent of the KGB of the old USSR. In short he is not about to introduce the US Bill of Rights into Russia. He will stick to the model he knows best, totalitarianism run by political police. He has first hand experience of this paradigm. 

He has violated every international norm first mercilessly "retaking" Chechnya in a manner similar to his egregious conduct in Aleppo - with scant respect for life or limb leaving a trail of death, destruction and misery.  He invaded Ukraine and took procession of Crimea. He currently has troops or proxies in Eastern Ukraine. As a sideshow he has to accept responsibility for the downing of a civilian plane where there were no survivors.

Putin’s behavior is unbelievable in the modern day era and has evoked worldwide sanctions with the United States the leader in this endeavor. The Russian dictator has made it clear that he couldn’t care less what the world thought of his morality. He is attempting to become a world power again although he is stripped of Russia’s former empire and his economy is now the size of Italy’s.

There is only one way he can return to the major league - being an obnoxious bully in the Middle East on its own just won't cut it- and that is by becoming allied with the USA on his, Putin's, terms. And this is what he has set out to do. As it turns out, he has in this quixotic endeavor, inexplicably to the sane, the support of the President elect of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump!


Throughout the campaign Trump made it quite clear that he admired Putin, who was a “strong leader”. He was far better than President Obama. In addition he signaled, notwithstanding the current American position on Russia as an international rogue, that, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we got along with Russia”. He backed off supporting the USA’s treaty commitments to its NATO allies. Inter alia he put a price on defending the Free World from Russian tyranny telling them to pay more for defence or else…. He even publicly called upon Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s e mails!

As evidence mounted in the campaign that Russia was hacking e mails of his opponent and the Democratic Party, he retreated, as he so often does, into his alternate reality claiming steadfastly that there was no proof that the Russians were responsible. It could be some 400 pound guy on a bed he offered. Even now he denies what is obvious to the world. In spite of the seventeen security agencies that are ad idem on the subject coupled with daily detailed revelations, he sticks to his story that no one knows whether it is the Russians.

So two facts are incontrovertible: 

Trump supports Putin and wants to normalize relationships with Russia which must include the lifting of sanctions. 

Everyone agrees, except Trump, that Putin conducted cyber espionage against America during the Presidential campaign and that the only possible outcome was the assistance to Trump in his victory.


It has been a pitiful to watch the parade of obsequious Republican political leaders crawl in and out of Trump Towers to kiss his ring. In return Trump has humiliated them pretending that they are back in favor. The metaphor for the almost total volte face of those who mercilessly attacked him during the election is in the story of Romney. The latter lead the “The Stop Trump” campaign calling him a con man, fake, phony and a fraud in addition he provided a detailed list as to why he was ineligible to be President. When Mitt was predictably humiliated by not being appointed Secretary of State he responded how honored he was to have been considered!

Notwithstanding all that, there still needs to emerge from the ranks of the Republican Congressmen those that will oppose the selling out of American cherished values. Specifically they need to act on three issues, promptly:

  • Response to Russian espionage to interfere with the election of the American President: Thus far there has been support for at least hearings on the subject. However, this is coupled with non acceptance of the CIA conclusion that the interference was directed at getting Trump elected. They could still pretend that they don’t know if Putin really preferred Trump to Hillary but in the appointment of an independent panel, similar to the 9/11 group they could allow the chips to fall. Should the panel determine what is obvious to all and sundry, that Russia cconducted espionage, then they should increase sanctions on Russia or enact some other appropriate response.

  • Not ratify Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tllierson:  The Exxon CEO has a very close relationship for two decades with, guess who, Vladimir V. Putin. According to Time Magazine In 2011 Tillerson concluded a comprehensive deal with a Russian State run Energy giant Rosneft, which deal was consummated in Putin’s dacha in Sochi. In 2013 good old Vlad awarded him Russia’s “Order of Friendship”. The latter is awarded to nationals and foreigners for, inter alia, furthering international relations and for charitable donations. According to the NY Times Exxon has donated to many Russian programs. Exxon has billions of dollars of contracts with Russia that can only go forward if America lifts its sanctions. Not surprisingly Tillerson called for the lifting of sanctions in 2014.

  • Under no circumstances allow the current sanctions against Russia to be lifted: Russia and America are on opposite sides in the Syrian civil war as well as the moral divide. The former is fighting for the murderous Bashar al Assad and America is supporting the rebels. Russia has just assisted Assad in a genocidal attack on Aleppo, a rebel stronghold, which resulted in the slaughter of thousands of civilians. The battle is continuing as Trump pursues his nomination of “Friend of Russia” , Tillerson, as Secretary of State.

If George Orwell had written this they would have said this time he had gone too far.


Sooner or later this Trump reality show will have to end. His ethical dilemmas with extensive interests, according to CNN, in twenty -  five countries, make every decision he makes open to question, not to mention the controversies his local holdings will provoke. However the pantomime, which will destroy the very fabric of American values, cannot come to a halt unless some Republicans act patriotically and forget their partisan roles for the moment. 

Thus far there appears to be agreement that hearings be held on the Russian hacking but the underlying assumption is that Putin only effected the hacking to mess the system up and not to support Trump. Even that is good enough as how can America normalize relations with a country that actively interfered with its electoral process?

More urgently Tillerson needs to be blocked. He has a ton of Exxon shares that will go through the roof should the sanctions be lifted. So at the very least he has conflict of interest  written all over him. But as Secretary of State what deal can he do that will undo Aleppo? What deal can he negotiate that will wipe out the interference of Russia in American elections? To be naive, what experience has he in diplomacy as opposed to deal making? The latter has no morality attached to it, only profit.

Thus far only John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marc Rubio have registered what is at stake here - the very basis of the American Republic. They need to be joined by several more Republicans. If not who knows where this will all end. The longer Trump is on the rampage the greater the damage and ultimately he too has to implode. Then there will be no American winners of the 2016 American Presidential Election only a Russian - Vladimir V. Putin. 


Just as an aside Putin will make mincemeat out of Trump. He operates in a different orbit. Trump, born with a golden spoon in his mouth, was baptized in the world where there is a recognized structured system that you can take on with armies of lawyers. Putin’s initiation is Lenin and Stalin’s KGB where with one mistake you are dead. He survived that and played ball, biding his time, during Russia’s brief flirtation with democracy. His value system is not only money it is more about power, empire building and survival. You lose out in the KGB you cannot declare bankruptcy and start all over again, “believe me”.

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