Saturday, November 5, 2016


As the sordid 2016 Presidential election grinds to an end, it appears that the Trump campaign is being aided and abetted by the FBI. This, initially, all came to the fore with the inappropriate illegal public intervention of FBI Director Comey when he announced an investigation into Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin’s  e mails. This bombshell had the devastating impact of halting Hillary Clinton’s march to 400 electoral delegates and giving Trump the momentum in the dying days of the campaign.

As this election cycle concludes allegations of the Governmental Agency’s bias is growing. The agency is said to be in turmoil and that it has a significant constituency within its ranks that is heavily tilted towards Trump and is anti Clinton. These flames have been fanned by Trump’s chief surrogate, Rudy Giuliani’s repeated media interviews on his discussions with FBI agents as to their attitudes to the Clintons and Trump. 

The upshot of Comey’s announcement and Giuliani’s blabbing about the FBI’s pro Trump stance has assisted Trump in  the embellishment of his central narrative, that Hillary Clinton is a “crook”.


Donald Trump in his stump speeches has made the central  theme of his policy less campaign the canard that Hillary Clinton is a criminal. He has from the word go, with not an iota of proof, referred to his Democratic opponent as “crooked” Hillary. Even at a Catholic charity dinner, besides opining that Secretary Clinton hates Catholics, he announced, to the shock of those attending, that she is corrupt. All this from a candidate who has been fact checked showing that nearly eighty percent of the venom that spews out of his mouth is a blatant lie. This from a contender who has had six bankruptcies, stiffs employees, employs illegal workers, pays Attorney Generals for play, (remember too that he unashamedly admits that he buys off politicians that deliver to him what ever he wants), defrauds hundreds of students in his fake University, confesses that he commits sexual assault, does not pay taxes and won’t release his tax returns and on and on. There are at least two court cases pending against him involving large numbers of “Trump University” students that claim that they were defrauded. There are several others yet he claims that the election of Clinton would create a constitutional crisis.

In addition his relationship and support of American enemy Russia and its dictatorial leader Putin is out there in spades and is raising more and more eyebrows as to what this might mean. Then in spite of the fact that the US Security and Intelligence Agencies categorically assert that Russia is behind the effort to interfere with the Democratic candidate’s election effort, Trump refuses to acknowledge the fact. He pontificates that he knows more than all the generals and is his own foreign affairs advisor. So he is the only public figure who maintains “nobody knows if the Russians are behind it”.

Yes, this is the selfsame same Donald J. Trump who alleges that if “crooked” Hillary Clinton is elected she will cause a constitutional crisis because of her e mails. The e mail ballyhoo is so ridiculous that Trump must believe he has some influential support behind his assertion.


Former Mayor Giuliani, Trump’s only remaining vocal surrogate, claimed on Fox and Friends that he has a pipeline to the FBI. He claims that FBI agents are enraged because they have been unable to indict the Clintons. Giuliani predicted a big surprise that would help Trump to get his message out in a more effective way that Hillary Clinton is corrupt. Lest there be any doubt as to that this was the Mayor’s proud claim, he had informed Chris Cuomo on CNN months earlier of his FBI connections while discussing his assertion that Clinton should be criminally charged. He confided to Cuomo, “That it perplexes numerous FBI agents who talk to me all the time”. Giuliani has also maintained that the agents are “outraged” and the Agency is in turmoil and in open revolt.

 Three days after Giuliani’s boast to Fox about his FBI connections and the prophesy of great assistance to the billionaire’s presidential chances, FBI Director, Comey came out with his infamous revelations about more Clinton related e mails that were to be investigated. Giuliani admitted and then denied that he knew about Comey’s announcement beforehand. This in spite of beinng reported in The Huffington Post as exploding,"Your'e darn right I knew about it".

The FBI officials sign an oath of secrecy and assisting them in breaking that oath is a crime. Put simply their behavior and Giuliani’s is a felony and it will be interesting to see if the FBI investigates the complaint in this regard that has been brought to their attention. The final irony is now that the Democrats have called for an investigation into Giuliani and the FBI leaks, the Trump surrogate is denying having spoken to current agents. 


It cannot be overstated, that short of finding an e mail that states she and or Bill Clinton received a vast amount of money in return for a favor, there is nothing, zilch, nada that is illegal in this whole politically trumped up saga. Comey has already interpreted the law, which is criminal law 101, that Clinton’s e mails were  between those that had a security clearance and as there was no intent to subvert security there can be no crime. How on earth can there now be any other finding on Abedin’s emails which are just copies of Clinton’s? So all of this is political smear and treasonous.


Reports are coming thick and fast in relation to the pro Trump agents in the FBI. The organization, whose agents take an oath of secrecy, is leaking like a sieve. According to the prestigious UK newspaper, The Guardian, an FBI agent informed them, anonymously, that, “The FBI is Trumpland”. Their article claimed an anti Clinton atmosphere and made several references to Giuliani and his relationship with agents. 

Trump on the stump on November 3, quoting Fox News, claimed that the FBI was conducting an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s pay for play corruption. The investigation he continued, “is described as a high priority. It’s far- reaching and has been going on for more than one year. It was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. The FBI Agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment.” There is uncertainty as to where these reports emanated from but the impression gained was that this had to be an FBI leak.

The bad news for Trump and Giuliani and his treasonous co conspirators at is that the Fox report was reported to be garbage and FOX retracted it even though the Trump campaign didn’t. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, who is favorite with Trump for the Goebels prize for 2016, just refused point blank to walk it back. She just begged the question, without flinching, saying that, “The damage had already been done”. That answer coupled with the usual libels about what an unbelievable crook Hillary was.

Mother Jones, the respected internet newspaper, reported that the Democratic Party Offices were found to be bugged. They apparently reported it to the FBI. The latter then on being questioned by Mother Jones inexplicably denied they had the report lending more weight to The Guardian’s lead story that there is a bias against Clinton and the Democrats amongst a certain section of the FBI.

The media and internet is awash with the a former Russian agent’s report of the fact that Russia has been cultivating Trump for years. Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, demanded to know, in a letter, what the FBI was doing not revealing that they had this “explosive” information. As a background to all of this Trump’s former CEO of his campaign had to resign because his pro Russian activities were exposed. 


Regardless of the outcome of the election, the American society is faced with the fact that its chief investigating agency has been seen to be actively involved in national politics and is being accused of turning a blind eye to collusion with an avowed American enemy. 

If Clinton triumphs then she will just have to hope that Obama will have sorted out the mess by the January inauguration. If Trump is elected than it will merely just be another component of the constitutional crisis that his ascendency to the American Presidency would evoke.

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