Monday, October 10, 2016


Donald J. Trump battling to survive as a contender in the Presidential election in his debate turned his reality show of a campaign into an even greater x rated dark farce. His performance was reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin’s iconic spoof, “The Great Dictator”. He has made a mockery of political discourse and in the process has made America the laughing stock of the civilized world. Threatening to lock up an opponent if he won, (mercifully there is no chance of that), attacking the moderators and calling his opponent “The Devil” he sunk even deeper into the sewer that he wallows in. He rallies his supporters with the war cry, ”Make America Great Again”. This is obviously code for turning America into a racist, sexist, xenophobic and fascist country with him as the dictator. 


Most disturbing is his open disregard for the democratic process - “He will instruct his Attorney General”. This in a matter that has already been investigated by the FBI where its Republican appointed head has indicated that it will be legal malpractice to indict Clinton. Not of course to mention that he spent five years attempting to delegitimize the current President with his bogus attack on where he was born. This he did, without fear of prosecution, using the democratic process to further his treasonous aims. Like so many demagogs before him he uses the democratic process with the stated objective to discard it once he gains power. 


More ominously he has made it quite clear that if he loses the system will be rigged. That coupled with calls for “the second amendment people” to intervene if Hillary wins, he is all but calling for revolution. He whips his adoring audiences up into a frenzy. He calls for violence and to beat up the dissenters. He asks for volunteers to be poll vigilantes. His overbearing behavior in this latest debate was scary. The manner in which the overweight Trump menacingly and threateningly moved behind Hillary into her camera space was instructive. 

The fact that even when he loses he denies that he has lost, even when he is on tape he denies that he made the statement, even when he is down in the polls he brags he is up, and even when he constantly settles litigation he denies that he ever does, makes it evident that he cannot tolerate being “the loser”. What makes anyone believe that his response is to an electoral defeat would be any different? 


What is even more depressing is that the Great Republican Party is at sixes and sevens as to what to do. They should have distanced themselves from this megalomaniac from the word go. They had a precedent in 1964 when the Party abandoned Goldwater and its decision was so clearcut that they were able to win the Presidency four years later. The Republican National Committee, (RNC), lead by a political lightweight has threatened more principled members of the Party that if they don’t endorse Trump their ability ever to stand for the nomination is in jeopardy. Up until his revealing “locker room” tape the condemnation of Trump was limited to those who no longer held legislative positions. The flood of legislators abandoning him following the surfacing of yet another Trump arrogant sexist display was evidence that they assessed that Trump had reached the stage where victory was impossible. Up till then his candidacy had been deemed legitimate by the Republican candidates in spite of Trump calling Mexicans’ rapists, drug dealers and murderers, his blatant sexism, advocating forceful deportation of eleven million undocumented workers, inducing Islamophobia, mocking the handicapped, trashing the parents of a deceased soldier because they were Muslim, and exhibiting a dangerous foreign policy.


Then there is the media that justify their legitmization of Trump by arguing that that the choice is between two flawed candidates. There is something obscene about putting anyone in the same category as Trump. To put it at its simplest one candidate operates within the political system and the other is a political terrorist. They need to abandon Trump unconditionally. Let him stay in the bunker with Fox and Friends. He is there anyway. He is singularly unimpressed with the treatment he receives from all the other media. He is only interested in sycophants. So the media that are striving to be “impartial” are not recognized as such by “The Donald”.


One could go and on but it suffices just to highlight one issue that is becoming increasingly more evident - Trump’s apparent collusion with an American enemy, Russia. He repeatedly praises it’s de facto dictator, who is a warmonger and the twenty - first century Imperialist Vladimir Putin. He admires him as a “strong leader”. A leader such as he fantasizes he might be. Putin has aligned himself with the forces of evil in the Middle East and is on opposite sides of the USA  in Syria.  In this issue Trump openly opposes his running mate Pence who supports the American foreign policy position. 

It has been publicly acknowledged that the Russians are attempting to influence the Presidential elections. Yet Trump calls upon the Russians to hack Clinton’s e mails. The DNC has been hacked and  according to the US security establishment the perpetrators are the Russians. Prior to this latest debate, following Trump's request, e mails embarrassing to Hillary hit the waves. Again this release has been attributed to the Russians. A fact that Congress accepts and is still openly denied by Trump. Then even though he son Eric has admitted that they do much business in Russia Trump denies it and won’t release his taxes to prove it. The irrestible conclusion is that Trump and Russia are ad idem.


Whatever happens the Republican Party is in tatters. Their future is uncertain. The one reality they will have to live with  is a Trump out of control and the task of meeting the needs of about forty percent of the electorate he supposedly represents. There is little doubt that the Senate will be in Democratic hands as he pulls the GOP candidates down with him. Speaker Ryan has already openly stated that he wants nothing further to do with him. He has instructed House Members to do as their “conscience dictates” in relation to whether they support the Republican Presidential nominee. There is a persistent rumor that the bureaucratic leader of the RNC has finally diverted the Republican infrastructure to the legislative candidates and away from Trump. As the ill disciplined and disorganized candidate has developed very little of his own organization he will be further isolated. 

There are more shoes to drop in this bizarre election cycle. There will be more tapes with Trump’s “locker room” talk. There will be those women he settled with to shut them up. There have to be more samples of his tax returns leaked to the Washington Post. The Russian hackers no doubt will deliver more of Clinton’s e mails. It can only get worse. 


And there are still those who believe Sunday night was a triumph for Trump. He paraded women that had accused Bill Clinton. All this all was thoroughly already litigated by Kenneth Starr twenty years ago in an $80 million dollar effort to effect a coup d’ etat. All Starr could produce was an unseemly consensual affair that Clinton had indulged in. The latter had lied about it in a deposition and that was enough for a partisan effort to impeach him. Which brings one to the obvious question is Hillary anymore to blame for Bill’s behavior than Ivana, Marla or Melania? This will come back to haunt him big time. 

The only scientific poll on the debate - CCN showed that Hillary won it fifty - seven percent to thirty - four.  The earliest tangible impact of the debate are the projections for the race and the Senate from Nate Silver whose models are considered most predictive in American politics. Hillary’s chances of winning the race have moved to eighty - four percent and the Democrat’s likelihood of retaking the Senate have moved to close on sixty percent. The Wall Street Journal and NBC poll coming out a day after the debate has Trump dramatically down fourteen points. This followed Trump’s locker room tape which he basically laughed off on Sunday. And there are still those who believe that Trump won Sunday’s debate. 

The American Democratic Process is on trial in November. Trump needs to be beaten out of sight and discredited and abandoned by all who claim to support the American Constitution.

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