Monday, October 17, 2016


As I predicted throughout the election cycle the election would be rigged. I have been proved correct as Hillary’s overwhelming victory evidences. Had she scraped in it would have been far more plausible but this landslide? ThIs in spite of my obvious humongous support. Believe me, I wasn’t give the opportunity to save America and make it great again. An unholy alliance of the Democratic and Republican Establishments, the media, Wall Street, Overseas Trading Partners, International bankers, Saturday Night Live, Warren Buffet, illegal immigrants, (who voted more than once, you all know what I mean), George Soros, China, Big Money, (excepting mine) rapists, murderers, drug dealers, radical Muslim extremists and then, I suppose, a few good people, all conspired to keep me out of the Whitehouse.  So the insiders will continue to suppress the average man, and I suppose, some women as well.


Realizing that I was about to win the consortium perpetrated the most flagrant move against me They produced a number of women of all shapes and sizes, but mostly fours, alleging I sexually harassed them decades ago. As I argued again and again on the campaign trail they could have at least produced some pretty women, eights or nines, to make their case plausible. The whole facade was to divert attention from my campaign winning exposure when I provided evidence of Bill Clinton’s abuse of women forty years ago. Just because Melania threatened to sue one of them does not begin to compare with Hillary’s harassing behavior of those Bill preyed on.

The media have deliberately ignored all the e mails revealing what a phony Hillary is. Instead they focussed on the fact that it was Putin’s Russia, (a strong great leader unlike Obama) that hacked the e mails. These just happened to be released through Wikileaks in October before the November election. This Julius Assange dumped a ton of damning stuff daily and they just ignored them. Hillary’s people then attacked me just because I called for Putin to hack them. A man needs help from wherever he can get it.

Then there is the bottom of the barrel stuff -  collusion with NBC’s Saturday Night Live which showed me in a poor light. They got that grotesque Alex Baldwin to play me. Why not Arnold Schwarzenegger? Then they get a blonde Kate McKinnon to mislead the electorate as to Clinton’s looks. While Hillary is a four and a half Kate is a seven - a bit too flat chested for an eight. This helped Hillary cut into my white men vote. Don’t forget it was in the NBC truck where they illegally entrapped me into locker room conversation.

In short I am like you one big victim!


In order to give voice to the true American heroes, like you and me, thereby continuing the battle to make America Great Again, I am announcing the formation of Donald Trump Media. This will serve the purpose of countering the lies of our current communications services. Our Television Programs will support those values that made America Great in the first place. I will not announce how this might be done as why would I tell the enemy my secrets? That is stupid. 

There will be features such as ; Build That Wall, Vacation at a Trump Hotel, Play Golf at a Trump Golf Course, Drink Trump Water, Get drunk on Trump Wine, Deport an Illegal a Day, Tweeting for success, Keep Those Muslims Out, Foreign Affairs - Why We Should  Ally With Russia, gun rights and similar themes. I will feature a late night adult program revisiting my middle aged youth as reflected on the Howard Stern show. (Sponsored by Tic Tac).

The Executive Director will be Roger Ailes who famously pioneered the successful Fox News which has fallen on lean times of late. The newly formed company will feature four hours of Hannity, who is the only honest interviewer on the box today. KellyAnne Conway will also have a daily feature interpreting what I really meant when I said something else. Mayor Giuliani will host what I am sure will be a popular talk show where he will interview himself, nightly. The Executive Director will be Steve Bannon who was directly responsible for all that sustained unbelievable crap that I have been spouting these past few years.

Subscriptions will be available for the first forty million applicants. The charge will be a nominal and minimal forty dollars a year. All Foundation Subscribers will receive a key ring with a Trump Tower charm. (Only pay shipping and handling). Advertisers please contact Kellyanne Conway for rates. 

As I said from the start I am not a loser.

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