Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Jay H. Ell


Deplorable Donald - a lot of people out there are calling him Deplorable Donald. People are saying it, they are calling him Deplorable Donald. Deplorable Donald that’s what out there across the country. It all started when Hillary called half his supporters deplorable. As shrewd Donald is his own biggest supporter he didn’t miss out that that great divider Hillary was calling him Deplorable Donald. (By this argument he is the Most Deplorable Donald). Maybe she called fifty percent of his supporters deplorable because they like him support Deplorable Donald unconditionally. He had attacked the Muslims mercilessly saying that not one more can darken the doors of his Great America even as a visitor. This after he, and only he, had seen them cheering the fall of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Consequently he would keep a close eye on all these Muslims currently in America, would Deplorable Donald. Then Deplorable Donald said Mexico sends their rapists, criminals and drug dealers to America. (In fairness Deplorable Donald said that he supposed that they threw in a few good people too). To make his point he claimed, did Deplorable Donald, that a Judge born in America because he had Mexican parents had to be biased against him because he was building a wall to keep Mexicans out. He also would chuck 11 million “illegals” out, even those that were working for him. Then there is the anti semitic imagery that is denied because his daughter is an orthodox jew. Whatever the reason the name Deplorable Donald is spreading like wildfire. Deplorable Donald likes the name because that is all he can talk about and he thinks it is a kind of honor to be named Deplorable. For example, because his campaign claim they don’t like a very vocal supporter, David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK, a campaign spokesperson Deplorable Mike Pense has refused to call  Duke “Deplorable”. On the other hand the campaign presented tee shirts with DEPLORABLE written on them to supporters who claimed they weren’t deplorable. Deplorable Donald made them honorary Deplorables. 

Now Morning Joe claimed that Hillary did this all on purpose to grab some media coverage just like Deplorable Donald does all the time. However, Hillary apologized that she called 50% of his supporters deplorable. Deplorable Donald ignored her because he does not know what the word apologize means. If Deplorable Donald had listened carefully he would have realized that polling shows that only 46% of his supporters fully support him, racism bigotry xenophobia and the rest, not 50%. Thats why Hillary was apologizing because she should have claimed that only 46% of his supporters were deplorable. But the cat is out of the bag and the name Deplorable Donald is the subject of every media interview and every second Tweet. Even so Jay H. Ell is not calling The Donald, Deplorable Donald.

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