Wednesday, May 4, 2016


“I’m going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump. This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies. He lies in a pattern that is straight out of a psychology text book, he accuses everyone of lying, ” - Ted Cruz responding to a Trump smear that his father was involved with the Kennedy assassination and Trump’s criticism that his father was “disgraceful”. 

"His false, cheap, meaningless comments every day indicate his desperation to get attention and willingness to say anything to do so," - Catherine Frazier, Cruz's campaign spokeswoman.


Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee has broken every accepted rule of conduct of political contests. He has not bothered, on the one hand, to put a team together to manage the mechanics of campaigning, canvassing, researching policy positions and creating a traditional infrastructure, and on the other, to behave in what is considered to be up to an acceptable standard of common decency. Instead he has used his iconic status and unsurpassable skills in managing the media to emphasize his mantra that he is not part of the despicable political establishment and “tells as it is”. In so doing he has had remarkable and unpredictable success. This taken together with his other more coherent populist positions has resulted in a successful hostile takeover of the Republican Party.

The Donald has developed the lie, the smear and the insult to a fine art. Nearly every sentence contains a phrase, an adjective or objectionable utterance that would sink any other candidate but has become so commonplace that the obscenities barely raise an eyebrow. Jeb Bush earlier in the campaign maintained that he could not insult his way to the White House and he is well on his way to proving him wrong. Even more impressive than creating a sense of shock news cycle after news cycle is that he successfully turns anyone who reciprocates in kind to being the unacceptable pig that he is. Marco Rubio is the outstanding example of failing to belittle The Donald and made to look like so unpresidential that he was blown out of the race. Cruz was considered to have “lost it” with his response to Trump’s outrageous comments about his father

Most bizarre arising out of all of this is the fact that The Donald generally is crudely accusing or labelling an opponent with some of his own obvious defects. Let us examine just one epithet that he uttered hundreds of times each and every day - “Lying”. He invariably called Cruz, “Lying Ted”. Now that epithets fits The Donald perfectly. In psychology this is called projection .This is considered a defense mechanism defined as projecting ones own attributes onto someone else.


In this past few weeks Donald broke all records for lying and repeating already proven lies according to Fact Checker. The Washington Post Fact Checker is not involved in opinion it deals with proven facts. It investigates statements as to their veracity and they rate those that are found to be untrue. Having established that the statement is dishonest Fact Checker rates the level of the “lie” according to fixed criteria. One Pinocchio, for example, represents a shading of the truth, selective fact choice and exaggerations and omissions. There is then grading up to the big whoppers, 4 Pinocchios. To keep track of all The Donald’s proven 4 pinocchios the Washington Post has created a special website The Fact Checker website maintains that it is a full time job keeping track of Trump’s proven lies and the repetition thereof. 

He repeated eight lies, which had been previously cited as 4 pinocchios  on Fact Checker, within sixteen hours after winning the North East Primaries which so threw Fact Checker that they complied a new list entitled “Mega Recidivism Watch round up”. These included Trump’s statement that Kasich has had no negative ads run against him when Trump ran four himself. Just to make that lie more juicy the ad contained proven falsehoods as well. He once again maintained that the USA were paying over seventy percent of the NATO budget when the actual sum is nearer twenty percent and for the billionth, (exaggeration from Jay H. Ell), time claimed that record numbers of immigrants are crossing the border now when all the statistics show that the numbers have been declining for years. 

A big repeat claim by Lying Trump is his statement  that he was responsible for public opposition to the Iraq war in 2002 and 2003. Not one of his statements can attest to that fact. He doubles down on his repeated lie that George Dabbaya hated for him for his outspoken criticism. Then he plays loose with the foreign policy facts that are blatantly untrue - ISIS sells Libyan oil, and NAFTA has wiped out jobs in some States when the economists are generally ambivalent about the impact of the pact. His oft repeated claim that he has totally financed his own campaign is only seventy five percent accurate. 

Believe it or not in spite of his track record of lies he found new ones this past week or so for which he was given coveted four Pinocchios awards. The statement that no leader was there to greet Obama in Cuba was “without precedent’ is an outright lie. In fact it is a fairly common occurrence for leaders not to welcome foreign dignitaries at the airport. 


As Trump lies so often they have created a website just for him entitled Website which makes fascinating reading. All The Donald’s lies listed here qualified for the four Pinocchios grade. A record sixty eight percent of Trump’s lies fall into that category. This list reads like his stump speeches. Sad to say nearly everything he says is a lie. Starting from his claim that the Mexican Government are sending rapists, drug traffickers and other criminals illegally to America. Not only is the Mexican Government not sending these people there are no data to show that Mexicans immigrants are criminally involved more than any other group. Then the border wall he wants to build which he estimates will cost maximum twelve billion cannot, according to Fact Checker, be built for less than twenty five billion. 

But it all started long ago. Remember who started the birther campaign and went on longer than anyone else - The Donald. His campaign in Obama’s birth certificate contoversy was characterized by a tissue of lies including the fact that his investigators had uncovered crucial facts relating to President’s Obama’s place of birth. This all goes back even further. - his false claim that he built his empire on a small loan from his father. He inherited $40 million from his father who provided plenty of loans and connections while still alive in addition to the trusts he set up for The Donald. When his casino business failed daddy was there to provide a $9 billion loan. 

Then of course Trump is very comfortable denying something he has just said. He claimed that Meagan Kelly’s list of statements he made about women was false. There was ample evidence for each and everyone of Kelly’s accusations. Besides lying about The Birther issue which he still hasn’t officially conceded, he maintained that Obama spent four million dollars to conceal school and passport records. He also maintains, inter alia, that Obama has accepted two hundred thousand refugees from Syria. This is the claim from the same guy that saw thousands of New Jersey Arabs cheer the 9/11 attacks. Incidentally Donald J. Trump also lied that the wives of the 9/11 wives new exactly what was going to happen. The serial liar has repeated that he warned that Osama Bin Laden was going to damage to America two years before the attacks. This lie coupled with the fact that he predicted the rise of terrorism.

On domestic policy the fantasy continues. He maintained that the domestic unemployment rate was twenty - three percent. With regard to Medicare spending on drugs he lied that that he could save three hundred billion dollars when the cost of the whole drug program is estimated to be around that figure. He also fantasizes that he could eliminate $19 trillion in debt which is impossible. The financing would be through trade deals! In fact he is more likely to add to the deficit with is suggested policies and tax plan. 


So lying Donald has it all to himself. Obviously more Republicans like him more than Ted Cruz. Projection worked so it is now going to be centered on “crooked” Hillary. Somehow Jay H. Ell thinks he will get back as much as he gives. 

Does America really want to risk their future on Donald J. Trump?

1 comment:

  1. Incredible how he gets away with this relentless lying. Veracity is not exactly Hillary's strong suit either but in this department I think she's outmatched. It should be a slam dunk for her in the election.
    The majority of women are going to be turned off by Trump's appalling misogyny and ditto the Hispanics regarding "the wall."
    However, this guy is such a novel and unpredictable phenomenon that I wouldn't bet the farm on him not getting to the White House. Heaven help us all if he does.
