Thursday, September 24, 2015


All the money in the world could not put Humpty Dumpty or the Republican Party together again. With the disintegration of Scott Walker, who was one of the last GOP Establishment white hopes, the end is nigh and they must face the final curtain. Just in case the enormity of the former GOP frontrunner’s melt down is being underestimated Jay H. Ell will lay it on a line and examine where things stand after that tsunami.


Scott Walker twice elected Governor of Wisconsin and withstanding one recall vote in a state that voted twice for Obama, a destroyer of Trade Union rights and a darling of the establishment, in fact their second choice after Jeb Bush, is politically dead. He leaves with twenty million dollars in his Political Action Committee and more to the point he was anointed by the Koch brothers who undertook to spend a billion dollars on the 2016 presidential campaign. However having plummeted in the polls from being its leader to less than 1 percent support he has declared his campaign dead. 

The GOP apologists, who were backing Walker to the hilt up until yesterday, as a standard bearer of what the GOP stood for, now maintain that his fall from grace was because he was a flawed candidate. The real reason that he is out is because of the likes of Trump, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee and Fiorina. He could not match their Tea Party credentials even though he had initial Tea Party support versus Jeb back in the good old days when Jeb headed the polls in New Hampshire and his good self in Iowa. (Blog: Governor Walker - The Tea Party’s and Media’s Last White Hope). Walker is no more flawed and limited then when he started on this endeavor he just has had to deal with those who are far more articulate and committed to the Tea Party agenda. He is the metaphor for the last rites of the GOP.

So Scott Walker has been unceremoniously been thrown out of the GOP Presidential Reality Show.


The writing has been on the wall since the emergence of the Tea Party following the election of Bush 43. The Tea Party was established as a revolt to the GOP Establishment who rather than take them on pandered to them. Their eventual emergence to prime time was just a question of finding a credible, (sic), leader. The burlesque and caraciture Sarah Palins, Michelle Bachmanns and the Herman Cains never quite cut it. The Santorums and the Huckabees just weren't the right fit. So along came the Donald who is a mixture of media savyness, entertainment skills, holder of the “I am the American Dream” award, money - “I am rich very very rich” - and most importantly an ability to unashamedly embrace the raw unedited emotions of the Republican Base from the David Duke’s Klu Klux Klan, to the birthers, the social and fiscal conservatives, the “Don’t mess with America crowd”, we hate the Bush's and their spendthrift policies and the like. He has resonated and connected with their frustration, anger, prejudices, xenophobia and their desire to “Make America Great Again” - whatever that means. Laughed off in the beginning as he unbowed took them all on exhibiting the basest of sexist attitudes to boot. He has come through and now they are eating humble pie.


The establishment should not be shocked - they created this monster by allowing it to grow, pretending it didn’t exist in the phony belief that they could have it both ways - the Tea Party votes coupled with an establishment candidate. According to the script the crazies that represented the Tea Party types would inevitably implode with their lunacy and the party would step in with a Romney look alike. Even this thinking is awry as whatever candidate that emerged could not counter the demographic composition of the electorate that has been ignored and abused in the run up to the nomination. As Jeb Bush put it in order to win the Presidency he would have to lose the nomination. And as things are panning out he is about to prove himself right. If he ignored his own advice perhaps he should have listened to his mother who said, “Read my lips, no more Bushes”.


We are one step nearer to the passing of the old GOP, may its dear soul rest in peace. However, Jay H. Ell has little doubt that it will not lie down and die. They will be like the liver of the little old lady who took two liver pills every day of her life and when she died they had to beat her liver to death. The GOP death will be a retrospective diagnosis in the meantime the relative merits of the candidates will be discussed in a vacuum and the media will carry on with their horse race even though a frontrunner has broken his leg. 

The immediate beneficiary of Walker’s exit is The Donald. He is up to 32% in the poll with Carson around about 12%. and Carly Fiorina 14%. His retirement should have benefited Jeb but everyone loves a winner. Trump is about to become a target deluxe as what started off as a joke becomes the central message. The last thing the media want is a no contest GOP race. The establishment candidates are faring so badly because, to quote Morning Joe, the widely followed media man of the sane Republicans, “They have no balls”. The reason the establishment supporters are not bothering to come out is they have no tough strong principled candidates. Jay H. Ell believes Jeb should be ranting “If you support Trump’s bigotry you will have Hillary” and “If you blow off the Hispanics we cannot win”. 

Come on the GOP is better than this. Do we really want a racist frontrunner? We all know that we can’t deport 12 million Mexicans and backing this lot will get us nowhere… Instead the Republican contenders cower and compromise in the wake of The Donald. 


There will still be those that stand and hope for a miracle. It has to be possible. Let us take a chance with Bridgegate Christie who every so often shows flashes of sanity. He cleans up well and looks good in a suit. But Christie loses it far too often to be a real President and Bridgegate cannot really go away. Jay H. Ell's favorite the GOP Governor John Kasish, of another swing state that Obama won, Ohio, hasn't a prayer. And now there is Carly for those who don’t mind going down the Romney path again. At least Romney was successful. Her career was high - lighted by firing tens of thousands employees before being unceremoniously fired herself. Besides the fact that she is all over the show she is ready to expand the military in every direction that she is questioned about. Her credibility is in tatters having been shown to outright lie on her version of the anti Planned Parenthood video and reinventing her perceptions of Putin following her meeting with him a number of years ago. Spare us even though the Donald now says since the Prince kissed her she has turned from a frog into a Princess. To show how bad Jay H. Ell feels about phony Carly he prefers the Donald! The only other candidate with balls, other than The Donald, Jay H. Ell has to admit is Carly Fiorina and hence her appeal. Rubio? He just doesn’t pass Morning Joe Scarborough’s balls test. 

So we have to get back to Jeb who doesn’t look vaguely interested. He has to fight and stand toe to toe with The Donald and call him a windbag megalomaniac even at the risk of being told he is also ugly.


Now there are a substantial group of the GOP media establishment that are making the new reality the mother of invention. They refer to The Donald by his first name. They pontificate with a smugness, like where is the problem? He is not so bad…. He or anyone else can easily beat Hillary. She is useless. Talk about lala land. The demographics are forgotten. Jeb if you are serious tell the immigration story as it is. Do you really want to defund Planned Parenthood? Just quote Pope Francis and as a Catholic his message has to resonate. 

Come on. Let us have a serious debate this is the US Presidential election not the convention of the flat earthers. Nor is it a meeting of the armed crazies on horses shooting their guns in the air and waving the Confederate flag, where they support the democratic right of the Clansmen to ride along even though they don’t fully support them…..

The world has to marvel at these pyrotechnics and wonder if their minds are playing tricks on them. As the Europeans grapple seriously with the emotionally charged Syrian refugee problem where everybody tells as it is we shuffle deck chairs on the Titanic. As the Pope challenges Congress to take on the issues the inanities continue. While the Middle East is in the middle of a paradigm shift the GOP front runners’ solution is to take them all out! The Donald will probably build a wall between Iran and the rest and make The Ayatollah pay for it. 


The Dems cannot believe their luck. In fact they are at a loss as to what to do when everything is going so swell. While the Republicans are acting as if their Primary is the Presidential election one of them eventually will have to run against someone who will automatically have all the key demographics on his or her side. According to the Pew Research group only 27% of the electorate are seriously taking notice of the present events, the rest are just enjoying the entertainment. So even if the majority of those are Republicans it probably means that The Donald has the backing of a third of about 18% which is 6% of the American voters and Carly half of that. So the Dems just need to plod along because all the negativity is going the GOP way and that is what the eventual winner will bring along as established baggage in the real contest. 

For their part all the Dem contenders are not fighting with one other or falling off the table to grab center stage. Bernie tours America just behind Billie Joel so he dosn’t have to put up his own stage, video screens and microphones, the two no name Governors mutter almost under their breath about the direction the country is going, Joe Biden agonizes whether to run again and Hillary potters about producing position papers. No one but no one is calling anyone ugly or not having energy or attacking them as beltway contenders, they are all just going about their business offering an alternate policy.

Also they have to be basking in Fox News’s frustration with the candidates. The Donald still believes he is powerful enough to ignore Fox. Bill O’Reilly, Fox’s number one, says he is nothing but pure theater. Megyn Kelly is still being shunned even though the powerful Fox CEO Roger Ailes is backing her to the hilt. The channel also questioned and requestioned Carly about what she claimed she saw on the Planned Parenthood video and to their frustration she stood strong, just likeThe Donald, and said it is what it is because she say it is! What are Fox going to do if one of these beauts get the nomination? Mean time they are spending their energy attacking “pitiful” Hillary which for the moment is not selling much soap. So the Dems have everything to be happy about.


For occupational therapy the Dems are the only ones focussing on what the GOP are trying to do in Congress. For those that read and watch the main media and don’t receive the Democratic Party e mails, Jay H. Ell wishes to broadcast to the world that the Tea Party faction, over the heads of the GOP leaders McConnell and Boehner, are trying to defund Planned Parenthood and or close down the Government. When the news gets out this is just not going to go down well and The Donald and the like are going to be asked what they think about it. The Donald and the like then have to choose between what the GOP Head Office want, McConnell and Boehner or what the Tea Party have done. This is what the establishment GOP need like a hole in the head. 


Don’t expect any perspective or direction from the media. Other than Fox marking time with all Hillary’s weaknesses they are giving the Dems a bye and this coverage cannot compete with the reality GOP Primary. So no one is asking Bernie about his non existent foreign policy or Hillary or Joe where they disagree with Barak or with each other for that matter. Or does Joe think he will be Obama’s third term? They are all just being allowed to tootle along. Every now and then, so as to let you know that they haven’t forgotten the odds on favourite to won the Presidency they make the vague statement, “Can she get over her e mails.” Apparently she has obviously gotten over Benghazi. The don’t really know what to say about Joe so they discuss the tragedy of the death of his son and whether or not that will influence him running… You see the Dems are not slaughtering each other so their sober reflections don’t sell soap. The entrance of Biden into the race would not help the Republicans as in the unlikely event he can beat Hillary in the Primary all the polls show that he can beat all the Republican front runners. ( The demographics are the same). So the media should stop pretending that Biden in the race gives the GOP a better chance. 

Meanwhile Fox can’t wait for Trump to kiss and make up so the counterproductive feud with him can stop. It is just gulping all the oxygen. 

When the Republicans are down to one candidate, and who knows how long that may take, the media will have to focus on the real race and will have one objective in mind - keeping at is close as possible because the show must go on. This will do as they did in the last two elections forgeting about the reality of the demographics and focusing on the personalities in their reality show. (Blog: Trump, The Media, Ratings and Reality).

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