Friday, August 14, 2015


After the 2012 GOP Primary Race protracted debacle, where the GOP candidates chewed each other up making gaffe after gaffe and where it took the Establishment’s favorite Mitt Romney forever to “win” the nomination, it was Reince Priebus’s, the Chairman of the GOP National Committee,  strategy to have a shortened 2106 Primary with as few candidates and debates as possible. To effect this he ultimately handed the Party over to Fox News. (Blog: Fox News is the New GOP and Trump is the New Enemy). But before this could happen nearly every Republican in the world who thought that they had a ghost of a chance announced their candidacy. There were then all manner of unofficial “get togethers” and Conservative Jamborees long before the long delayed first Fox debate only about 410 days before the November 8, 2016 event.  In the beginning there was unity as they all ran against Hillary but that didn’t last too long. (Blog: The GOP Leadership Conference and My Fair Hillary”). Chaos has ensued among the inmates and now the lunatics have taken full control of the asylum.


The pacemaker is The Donald who gives us a thrill a minute. His most recent sensation - it is hard to keep up - is the announcement of women that he thought he could nominate as Vice Presidential running mates.  Believe it or not Megyn Kelly was in the line up. This after calling her a lightweight and unprofessional implying she was hormonal and demanding an apology from her.  Another pick was Oprah which he then maintained he wasn’t serious about but he is serious about Cecile Richards the President of Planned Parenthood! Inter alia he has suggested Warren Buffet who has already declared support for Hillary Clinton. 

Now The Donald has instead of uniting the party against Hillary has split the wannabe Presidents into three groups: There are those that have attacked him such as Jeb, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul - with a vengeance - Carly Fiorona, incidentally one of Trump's potential VP woman picks, Rick Perry and the only stable one of the lot John Kasich, who was locked up by mistake as he got involved with the wrong company. Then we have the neutrals such as Mark Rubio who is far to busy to be diverted by the leader of the Republican Primary. Finally, there are the supporters such as Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee who are onsides with The Don. 

All of the above are not exactly on the sunny side of dementia. Lindsey Graham smashing his cell phone in several different ways in response to Trump publicly broadcasting his private number, Huckabee telling Obama he was delivering Israel to the doors of the oven and Rand Paul doing impersonations of Trump on the campaign trail are some of the recent bizarre episodes of the patients.

However what must be of great concern to the Establishment is that Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are polling second and third to Emperor Caligula, a. k. a. Trump. The three together have nearly 50% of the GOP electorate. That coupled with the fact that Jeb, who is entitled to the nomination by divine right, is heading for the padded cell and is giving them nightmares.


Jeb after a tortuous, he calls it tortoise, period as to where he stood on his brother’s cuckoo decision to invade Iraq finally came down on boetie luvvie’s side. After making such inane comments such as saying the first President he met was his father, the moment he was born and the second President he came into contact with was his brother whom he met when he got home from the hospital, he finally clarified how he saw the Middle East. He initially said he would have gone into Iraq just like his brother. He then went home took his pills and said that knowing what we now know he obviously wouldn’t have. In the great debate last week wannabe 45 admitted that the Iraq war was a “mistake”. Since then he has been non - compliant as to his medications and stopped taking his prescriptions so the following has ensued:

 Bush, the Wannabe 45, maintains that Mission was Accomplished in 2003 on American security issues . One wonders whether he used Jon Stewart’s Daily Show graphics when trumpeting that sick joke of history. This appearance by Dubbaya on an aircraft carrier with the banner “Mission Accomplished” was to haunt Bush 43 as the war went on and on after that. The former Florida Governor opined that taking out Saddam “ turned to be a pretty good deal” . He now argues even in hindsight he would have gone into Iraq. Carrying on with his revisionist history, Wannabe 45 complimented his brother for the surge in 2007 in Iraq that did the trick. He maintained that in 2009 Obama and his Team of Rivals compatriot Secretary Hillary inherited a “fragile but secure” Iraq. 

Hillary and Obama then screwed it all up by getting out of Iraq and giving ISIS the whole Middle East on a plate. He forgets, but forgive him it is part of the condition, that Bush 43 signed into effect the “US - Iraq Status of Forces Agreement”. The latter guaranteed that all US forces would be out of by December 31, 2011. Obama incidentally tried to keep some troops but he couldn’t get agreement from Bush’s stooge Nouri al - Malaki, who all but handed the country to Iran. ( Incidentally in 2007 Senator Hillary called for Malaki's removal but Bush 43 stuck to his guns).Obama’s administration forced Nouri out in 2014 as he had done nothing to unite the Shia and Sunnis in Iraq and had worsened the situation dramatically.

Jay H. Ell supposes Bush wannabe 45 wants to be loyal to his brother as his blood is thicker than the blood of the nearly 5,000 American troops that died in this madcap venture not to mention  the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. This demonstrates if not lunacy an unbelievable arrogance, callousness and lack of judgement that should preclude him from the Presidency. 


Jeb, after the circuses, reality shows and the media hype would be done, was as much considered the presumptive nominee of the Republicans as Hillary is of the Democrats. He has the Establishment behind him, he has a $120 million already in his war chest and everything would be done to facilitate his coronation. 

It needs to be clarified what it means to have the Establishment support. This represents  generations of money, influence, endless party officials who toe the head office’s line and party organization in every town, county and State in America that is responsible for  knocking on doors, going to nursing homes to get absentee votes and the like. Then add to the fact that he is a Bush. Prescott Bush, 41’s father, was the Establishment way back when. Bush 41 was head of the CIA, head of the Republican Party, Reagan’s Vice President for 8 years and then President. His total domination of the Establishment spans almost a half a century. At the end of the day the Establishment has ruled. They anointed Bush 43 a mediocre inarticulate,intellectually challenged and uninspiring Governor, (the supposed less intelligent brother), who was ultimately made President by a Supreme Court that had been largely appointed by that self same Establishment. 

Trump, who cannot be called challenged, recognizes the power of the Establishment. He has thrown down the gauntlet to the Establishment - “You don’t treat me fairly and I will run as an Independent”.


Having argued all that Jay H. Ell does not believe that Jeb with all his money and protehcsia can survive his support of his brother’s Iraqi war. It is bigger albatross around his neck than The Donald’s paranoia, (pathological), to all the demographic groups, especially women, that the Republicans need to win over to triumph in a national election. The Tea Party was founded as a revolution to the GOP Establishment at the time when Dubbaya 43 was President. This was largely a response to his alleged big government fiscal mismanagement including bail outs and the massive cost of the Iraqi war. The Iraqi war had another major casualty in that it destroyed any reasonable candidate the establishment could hence forth put forward. Colin Powell was a central sacrificial lamb as he was the only member with international crediblity in Dubbaya’s cabinet. He was given the job of selling the dummy intelligence to the United Nations so they would sanction the Iraq war. 

The formation of the Tea Party and Bush 43 are almost synonymous. The Tea Party have not gone away rather they have grown and grown and the Party hierarchy instead of fighting them have pandered to them and pretended they are really on the same side. This denial has landed them and the country in the mess they are in now.

As already indicated the anti Establishment support is already near fifty percent. While  this is early days it needs an heroic effort from Jeb to win the nomination. It is not going to be as easy as it was for Romney as one by one he knocked off the “Anyone but Romney” leaders of the polls. He was always the main contender against the leader du jour. Jeb does not appear to have the where with all to take this on and he was supposed to be the stronger brother.

The only momentum Jeb has got is that there is saying. "Never two without three". So it is obvious - Bush 41, Bush 43 and Bush 45.


The opportunist Trump has changed the landscape as the Primaries lurch from one deranged moment to another. The billionaires are sitting on the sidelines waiting to know who to back. The Koch Brothers, the Adelsons, the Rove menage and the rest are all pondering how they are going to influence this ball game. Even if they find a candidate he or she still has to beat Hillary with or without her e mails. The bottom lines still remain - if you demean or ignore women’s priorities, you regard Hispanics as unwanted aliens, you make it more difficult for certain minorities to vote and you rant and discriminate against LBGT’s - you just cannot win anymore as there just are not enough elderly white males.

So blame this all on Ronald Reagan who closed all the mental institutions and discharged all the invalids in the hope that they would take their medications thereby allowing them to function as level headed members of society. It just didn't happen.

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