Friday, November 21, 2014


This week saw further outbursts of naked brutality and evil in the Middle East. ISIS videotaped, with much pride and fanfare the beheading of an American Citizen and several Syrian soldiers. In a second incident, two Palestinians entered a Jerusalem Synagogue, butchering and shooting worshippers. The world recoiled in horror. However, the responses from the Middle East were most revealing. There were none from any sovereign Muslim nation. Only the Palestinians commented, Tirawi and Abbas from Gaza and Hamas from the West Bank.

Abbas from Fatah had a milksop generalized condemnation of violence against civilians, rather utilizing this opportunity to be on the world stage to condemn the Israelis for invading the  Al  - Aqsa  Mosque, the provocation by the Settlers and the incitement by Israeli Cabinet Ministers. But Tawfik Tirawi  of the Fatah Central Committee outright justified the slaughter arguing that it was, “nothing but a reaction to the recent crimes of the occupation and settlers in occupied Jerusalem and across the nation”. Tirawi continued that it was a response to, “The threats of occupation and against our people and the Palestinian leadership, represented by the President, (Abbas) and will only increase our resolve in safeguarding our rights”. Abbas has not contradicted Tirawi.

So as far as the Palestinians are concerned there is no moral equivalency between the axe wielding terrorists in the synagogue and the sword wielding terrorists in the Jerusalem house of prayer. The tragedy is that the rest of the world is doing very little to disabuse them of this distortion of reality. In effect they are not taking into account the savagery of the Palestinians and their leaders support of it into their calculations on the Middle East. The world, in general is focussing on the Israeli settlements as if they are the moral equivalents of the cold blooded butchery of the innocents and terrorism in general. 

Incidentally Jay H. Ell is against these settlements as he has blogged again and again but that isn’t the point. (Blog: “Netanyahu and Maybe Obama Too - Just Don’t Get It”). Jay H. Ell is likewise more than unhappy at the lack of statesmanship displayed by Netanyahu but when he is attacked what is he supposed to do? The point is that these terrorists, as that is what they are, are being supported by the West and the rest. 

Jimmy Carter, that naive US former President, maintained that he visited Gaza after one of these “wars” and not one school was standing. What the hell did he expect if that is where the munitions and rocket launchers were? However, the mantra persists, Israel is to blame and the consensus is that the Palestinians should be given Statehood.  Statehood to be awarded to terrorists that have as an article of faith to destroy the very country that they demand should cede them back territory that the Arab world has lost in wars of that they initiated .


The blame is therefore totally laid at Israel’s doorstep for this seventy year impasse. Those that have waged terror and wars of aggression are the victims. Those that have used their women and children as human shields are the victims  Those that have reigned rockets on innocent civilians are the victims of war crimes. While those that have an integrated society, with one man one vote, are accused of apartheid by those who say no Jew will be allowed to live in the lands, they demand Israel hand over. Those whose religion sponsors terror, martyrdom and  a reward in heaven of innumerable virgins for suicide bombing are to be, once again, given statehood to facilitate their attacks on orthodox Rabbis. 


To connect the dots of those refuse to see -  Hamas and ISIS are related in their barbaric behavior and are two sides of the same coin. The latter is Sunni and the former is Shite. Hamas is a designated and proud terrorist organization and does nothing to have it self delisted. Hamas and Hezbollah support Assad and both are mercenaries offshoots of Iran. All four of these fascist genocidal entities have sworn the annihilation of Israel and their terrorist brethren are reeking havoc in the West. Yet the West wants to unilaterally establish another terrorist State. Russia and Asia couldn’t care less and together with a various assortment of African, South American and other countries, they cheerfully condemn Israel for not handing over territory to a people that is hell bent on its destruction. Till otherwise proved Palestine is a terrorist entity that has its sponsor Iran who want to develop a nuclear bomb and have also recently laid down a protocol for Israel’s annihilation. The world's politically correct countries join in with Iran and its surrogates in labelling Israel racist, an aggressor and a warmonger. They aid and abet those who callously call the Israelis Nazis.  

To carry on with this reductio ad absurdio logic the United Nations Assembly overwhelmingly voted Abbas, Palestinian Statehood. They did this on the basis that he controlled Gaza which he doesn’t and that he governed the West Bank which he likewise dosn’t. So for the first time in history the Assembly gave statehood to an individual who supports terrorism when he wasn’t even in full control of the terrorists and the chunk of land that he supposedly “rules”.


Now in case anyone has forgotten Sharon unilaterally gave Gaza independence whereupon Hamas destroyed the elaborate infrastructure that the Israelis had left them and have utilized their autonomy to attack Israel ever since. First their stratagem was the deployment of suicide bombers where there were concentrated areas of civilians. Then to everyone’s chagrin and more world condemnation Israel put a wall to stop the bombers - Israel were trespassing on Palestinian territory. Then Hamas started raining rockets and building tunnels to murder and kidnap mainly civilians and the world yelled, “Fight fair Israel. In defending yourself you are killing more civilians accidentally than they are killing civilians on purpose. Cut it out. Hold back on knocking out the tunnels and the rockets. Don’t you know women and children are there”. After the cessation of hostilities the Israeli “war criminals” had a special investigative team tease out all the circumstances that Palestinian civilians succumbed and put into motion a number of criminal investigations.

In spite of all this the British Parliament and Sweden voted to declare Palestine a State. Spain are about to follow suit. Has the world gone mad or is there another explanation that no-one wants to acknowledge? 


All this is going on with a resurgence of anti -Semitism throughout the world. Everyone is not for one moment linking it with the Muslim extremism that has accompanied Muslim immigration into Western countries. More to the point the West are denying that it is linked to the question of Palestinian statehood. These countries tolerate the most absurd attacks on their own freedoms of expression by the Muslim extremists. A Danish cartoonist depicts Mohammed and there are world riots and threats of murder. Juxtapose that with the peaceful protests against the production of the Opera Klinghoffer, that glorified Palestinian terrorism, at no less than the New York Metropolitan Opera House. ( BLOG: The Death of Klinghoffer , The Opera - Art or an Abomination). College campuses hold Israeli racist days and proPalestinian rallies. One campus had stickers and posters proclaiming, “Hug a terrorist today”. Another where an Israeli supporter tried to explain he was shouted down as a child killer.  Attacking and terrorizing Jews has become a daily pastime in Europe and the beginnings have been seen in America. 

So to the accompaniment of demanding that Israel self destruct and give terrorist Palestine a State - something that they have already done in Gaza - there is a growing worldwide antisemitism. In addition in these self same countries that want to vote Palestine Statehood, Muslim extremism breeds local terrorists and terrorists for export. The crowning grace is that these extremists set up their own self governing entity with barbaric Sharia law defying local laws. 

The only saving grace is that the Muslim extremist world for the moment is not united. That saving grace is in danger as there is a fear that the West lead by Obama will cave into Iran and allow them a nuclear weapon. The latter will then slowly but surely take over the Muslim world. Initially they will have support from Russia who will ally themselves with Iran as Putin has a desire to miff the West, flex his muscles and show that he is a world power. This will end with Iran leading a world - wide caliphate. Far - fetched? Not really, why do Iran want a nuclear arsenal if all they want to do is live peacefully and happily ever after? Also ask their clerics what their ultimate aim is.


What is the rationale for all this madness? There is a belief that has been to date peddled by the Palestinians and accepted in the West that there is a distinction in the attack on Israel and the jews generally. The belief extends further to that allowing fascist Sharia law is giving a group its rights. -  that the terrorists are in the minority and have nothing to do with the culture that produced them. All this has been accepted by many well meaning people including a significant minority of jews, whose dilemma is so brilliantly portrayed in Harold Jacobson’s seminal fiction work, “The Finkler Question”. This belief was intellectually sustainable till the last decade or so when the world manifestly adapted a double standard towards Israel, epitomized by the fact that the majority, by far, of all the UN Assembly’s resolutions have been condemnations of Israel and the fact that Amnesty International has focussed almost solely on Israel’s alleged crimes against humanity. All this when there has been gross deprivations of human rights, abuse on women and children and ethnic cleansings in several continents since 1948.

The believers of this mantra then refuse to connect the dots between the spread of world wide anti Semitism, the strident Muslim extremism in Western countries, terrorism and the attacks on Israeli sovereignty. They further ignore the growth of political correctness  attacking Israel as neo Nazis and racists.


As time has gone by the Palestinians and their allies have been more and more careless in their separation between anti Zionism and anti Semitism. Iran and their curriculum for the “annihilation” of Israel made has it made it quite clear that it isn’t the State of Israel per se that they are against but jews in general. The immediate Past President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, speaking at annual Iranian anti Zionist event stated that a “horrible Zionist current” had been managing world affairs for about 400 years. He stated that the Zionists have been behind the world’s banking and media systems.

Ahmadinejad continued, “"They are the decision makers, to the extent that the presidential election hopefuls, of the USA, must go and kiss the feet of the Zionists to ensure their election victory”. Ahmadinejad added  "Liberating Palestine" would solve all the world's problems, although he did not elaborate on exactly how that might work. "Qods Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems". He said, "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”  

So there is Iran’s line that is the Jews since way back that are the problem and that they control the world today and if you sort out the Palestinian problem you sort out jews as well.

The Palestinians too have given up the charade that it is just the Zionists that they hate and want to kill. Emboldened, with what they consider to be a political coupe, the butchering of praying jews in prayer shawls and phylacteries, the Palestinian Authority have disseminated a video justifying the holocaust. Palestinian Media Watch claimed that the Jews were expelled from Europe for being "corrupt" and bringing "tragedy" on the Continent. "Faced with the Jews' schemes, Europe could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government.” 

“Going back in time, way before 1948 when the Zionists annexed Israel”, the narrator continued that, ”In 1290, King Edward I issued a decree banishing the Jews [from England]. Following him were France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy. The European nations felt that they had suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews. Later the Jews obtained the Balfour Declaration, and Europe saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them.”

So the bottom line is anti Zionism is anti Semitism. Netanyahu may be a poor Statesman but it is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Muslim extremism is on the march with a fascist, totalitarian, genocidal and murderous agenda. Zionism’s alleged imperialism is the issue but the mantra is really anti Semitism. The final objective however is world domination. If you don’t believe Jay H. Ell ask the Muslim clerics and guess who runs Iran? However, Iranian extremism has a long way to go to achieve its objectives and one hopes they will be stopped in their tracks. Obama taking a tough line on Iranian nuclear ambitions would be a great beginning. 


Firstly, the peaceful Muslim world has a responsibility to put their house into order. They are sitting on the sidelines. This is their cross to bear or should Jay H. Ell say their crescent.

Secondly, the rest of the world who have not recognized that they are dangerously close to aiding and abetting a new surge of anti Semitism. The bias shown by the UNO General Assembly and Amnesty International would be funny if it didn’t have such tragic significance.

Thirdly, the Palestinian leaders and their sponsors for making it difficult for like minded people to support justice for the average Palestinian who have been used as political footballs for seven decades. Also they are to be condemned for forcing Israel and the Jews into a laager where it becomes more and more difficult to disagree with the Israeli Government of the day as survival becomes the central focus.

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