Saturday, August 16, 2014


Reality has been suspended as the world concentrates its attention on Israel’s alleged atrocities in the recent flare up in Gaza with all else that is going on around. Jay H. Ell has blogged about the biased attitude of the media, UN key figures, “human rights” supporters and unashamed fascists and anti-Semites in their attack on Israel, but would also like to emphasize the big picture - the Islamic fundamentalist march to the Caliphate. The Caliphate is the continuation of the Muslim empire under Sharia law. 

Jay H. Ell makes no apology for continually blogging on the crisis, cynically precipitated by Hamas, as he is coming to the realization that the Israeli - Hamas conflict is part of the fundamentalist Sharia Muslim onslaught. Israel in the Middle East represents even more than being the State of the hated Zionist Jews. It is the personification of every value system that Sharia law opposes. The Muslim Sharia fundamentalists have made their move, realigning the whole Middle East political deck, at least for the moment, with the “conservative” Arab world shunning Hamas and ISIS in the latter’s bid to take over the Muslim world.


Back to suspended reality as Ms. Pillay’s UN Human Rights Committee has elected Canadian law expert William Schabas to probe war crime allegations against Israel. Schabas has been told by the Canadian Free Press to recuse himself as he has previously stated that he wanted to see Netanyahu and former Israeli President, Peres, before the World Court charged with war crimes. A Geneva based Human Rights Watch Group demanded his removal. The Executive Director of the UN Watch Group stated, “You cannot spend several years calling for the prosecution of someone and then act as his judge. It is absurd.”

 In addition to all Schabas’s anti Israeli views he maintained that former Iranian Premier Ahmadinejad was not an inciter of global anti semitism. The inaptly named, Schabas, has very close ties with Iran, Hamas’s sponsor. He was the Ph D. supervisor of Kamran Hashemi, a key propagandist in the Iran’s Foreign Ministry. Even Richard Goldstone, the biased UN Commissioner,who was the initial UN investigator into Israeli war crimes in 2008 and who subsequently recanted, has stated that Schabas is hopelessly partisan. And on and on. However, there is a script and it will be stuck to regardless of substance. Before the whole disaster unravels Israel has to fight to survive against the mindless media, key UN personnel, the humanitarians, the professed anti-Semites and fascists and the Jihardi. 

Jay H. Ell believes that the key battle field is in the Court of Public opinion where Israel should charge Hamas with war crimes. It is in this arena that a sensitive to public approval Israeli administration has strived to be on the right side of history and humanity for the past 65 years. (Read Abba Eban’s speeches since 1948 while facing the onslaught against Israel and his arguments portraying the Jewish State as an upholder of liberal Western democracy). Also as Jay H. Ell has blogged Hamas’ s case for war crimes is strong on generalities and weak on specifics. Whereas Israel’s is strong on both generalities and specifics.


So, while this Theatre of the Absurd plays out, meanwhile back at the Hamas ranch. Hamas has no historical connection with the Palestinian struggle and was only established in 1988. It is part of the coalition that wishes to establish a Caliphate Islamic State in the Middle East. It has as part of its stated agenda, the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamist Caliphate in the Middle East that would include the area that currently constitutes the State of Israel. This agenda is actually word for word the same agenda as ISIS or IS. 

ISIS and more recently IS - anyone calling them the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria as opposed to the Islamic State will receive 70 lashes, - has shocked the world by their naked barbarism and uncompromising fundamentalism, in pursuit of an Islamic Caliphate perpetuating Sharia Law in the Middle East. They see themselves as the vanguard of a worldwide struggle to dominate first Islam and then the world. (But more of that later). Hamas is part of this group. Yes this self same “persecuted” group, who squandered the Palestinians opportunity for an independent State and mercilessly sacrificed Palestinian lives for their Caliphate objectives, have as part of their Covenant, a world wide Islamic Caliphate. ISIS, not surprisingly has openly supported Hamas. 

So much for the “oppressed” Hamas.

The most ironic twist to this whole recent “war” between Israel and Hamas is that if the latter gain everything they want in negotiations, Gaza will still be far worse off then when Sharon, unilaterally, handed Gaza to the Palestinians in late 2005.

But as Jay H. Ell has blogged, till he is blue in the face, this was not a war for the rights of Palestinians but a sociopathic exercise to smear Israel as war criminals and delegitimize and break the Israeli regime. 


IS’s, who wants 70 lashes?, has as its central belief system Sharia Law. It is gaining more and more support both within the Middle East and without. In the Middle East this objective is achieved through naked violence and in Europe it has been through stealth, growth and manipulation of the liberal society that the Muslims have immigrated to. According to a web site, “Sharia Law in Europe”, Sharia Law is challenging the Judea - Christian way of life in several of their host countries. Utilizing freedom of expression and protection of religious rights they have large areas under their control in France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Holland and Austria. Characteristic of so many ideologies through the ages that use freedom and the rule of law to obtain control they exhibit none of these selfsame characteristics when in power.

In France the French police no longer control a large number of the 13 million Muslims who reside in areas around the big cities. Likewise in Denmark, in the area known as Tinbjerg surrounding Copenhagen the Muslim hierarchy are demanding to police “their own”, according to Sharia Law. In Spain there are already areas being patrolled by Sharia police. The impact of Muslims in Holland is so great that the commonest name in its four largest cities is Mohammed. In Austria, there is even an instance of a lower court convicting an Austrian for breaking Sharia law for the following statement:

“We all know that Mohammed married Aishia when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine. Now what do we call this behavior if not pedophilia?”.


It is in the UK that Sharia law has made the greatest gains. Since 2008 over a 100 Sharia Courts have been instituted in the UK. There are more Muslim Imams in the UK than Christian Pastors. In 2011 the militant Muslims began demanding that Sharia Law be instituted in the towns with a Muslim majority in England. In an East London Muslim enclave they are have posters plastered up stating, “You are now entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic law enforced”. 

In 2011 David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the UK stated, inter alia: “Mulitculturalism has been a failure. We have tolerated these segregated communities that run completely counter to our values”.

So this battle is being fought in the Western world as well as in the Middle East where in effect a minority of Islamists are set on creating a world wide Caliphate. Simultaneously there is resurgence of anti- Semitism world wide but especially in Europe.


It is in the Middle East that the gloves are off. Because if the fundamentalists don’t control Islam there how can they can control the world. The swiftness and the decisiveness with which IS has acted has left even Iran in a state of shock. The Iranian move to control the Muslim world has to take a back seat in this the march of an even more radical fundamentalism. It is thus not surprising that Iran has joined the chorus of "sanity" in fighting IS. Even Assad’s Syria seem a happy alternative to this mad crew that have murdered, tortured and displaced tens of thousands of individuals. 

They have been merciless with regard to the Christians in the area. The recent focus of Christian persecution has been on the Iraqui Yazdis, an ancient Christian sect, who have been the victims of naked genocide and those who have escaped are existing under the most brutal of conditions. However, the bottom line is that there has been a systematic expulsion, murder and victimization of Christians in Middle East for at least the past decade. Not so long ago they represented 20% of the population and now they are less than five percent. 

The only international figure that has focussed on this massive demographic change is the former Chief Rabbi of the UK Lord Jonathan Sacks. He has warned of the threat to the whole Judea Christian value system that is taking place in front of our eyes and the systematic elimination of the Christian communities in the Middle East. 

So it is not only Israel and its existence that is facing extinction but the whole Judea - Christian way of life in the Middle East and in those European countries that have centuries of civilization.


So in the recent Hamas -Israeli clash there is no dispute as to who started it, and if the Israeli’s take the plunge in charging the Palestinian authority with war crimes there will be no dispute as to the fact that Hamas callously subjected their Palestinian brethren to involuntary martyrdom. Hamas and IS’s common objective is Sharia law for the Middle East. Both of them see a unitary Palestinian State under Sharia law. If there is any dispute as to this assumption, let the media question them as to whether this is true or not. More to the point let them answer this question at the Hague.

However, because of  the four Musketeers, the media, the humanitarians, key UN personnel and the unashamed anti Semites and fascists the whole focus is on Israel and their alleged war crimes as opposed to the threat of Muslim fundamentalism that is facing the world. 

The UN Human Rights Committee have gone ahead with appointing a commission to investigate Israeli war crimes in a war they never started. There is no thought given to the genesis of this dispute and the malicious and provocative manner Hamas has acted. No thought to the wealth of evidence that they had munitions in hospitals, used human shields, and fabricated allegations, for example. No thought to the fact that that Hamas is part of the rebel fundamentalist drive to change the world’s value system and that they are not operating in a vacuum. The key UN office bearers are only focussed, for whatever reason, on only one end, on supporting the narrative that Israel are war criminals in the league of the Nazis.


In backing Hamas one has to program out the march of the Caliphate. One has to ignore what is happening in Europe and Hamas’s ally IS and their campaign to reduce all opposition and all women and children to chattels subject to unchallenged abuse. 

One has to put on the blinkers and ignore who started this war and who was really responsible for the high civilian death rate and the rubble that remains of what was once Gaza. One has to ignore what has transpired in this region since 1948 when Israel has never ever had a moment where some or other Islamic entity was not attacking it. One has to forget that the best Hamas could gain for Palestine from this war and the negotiations that would inevitably follow was a situation far worse than they had in 2005 where they were on the brink of independence. 

So acting with these denial mechanisms one then has to argue what other recourse did the Palestinians have in order to have their aspirations met but to start this war. The argument then proceeds that inevitably there would be civilian casualties but as Hamas, might expect, these would be due to Israeli war crimes! This is what Ms. Pillay of the UN Human Rights believed from early on and said so and then appointed a known Israeli antagonist to investigate what he had already concluded way back - that Netanyahu and Peres should be charged with war crimes. 

In addition, the rationale for Hamas's aggression is justified as a result of Netanyahu’s behavior in relation to settlements which Jay H. Ell, and at one stage over 50% of the Israelis, were against. This argument is as lame as rationalizing Hitler’s actions as understandable and correct on the basis of the punitive rapacious conditions Germany was subjected to at the Peace of Versailles following World War 1. While the comparison on its face is grossly unfair to Netanyahu, nothing but nothing justifies what Hitler did or Hamas and IS are doing now for that matter.


Jay H. Ell does not believe that what the Muslim fundamentalists are perpetrating is what the majority of the Muslims in the world aspire to. There are estimated to be as many as 1.5 - 2 billion Muslims in the world. A quarter of these are in India and Indonesia. So there are a few 100 million Muslims, mainly in the Middle East, high jacking the religion without as much as a murmur from the rest. Even amongst the perpetrators the majority of their constituents have to bearing this crusade under sufferance - certainly, at least the women and children.

Currently there is a world wide fundamentalist Muslim move for the introduction for intolerant radical Sharia Law. The battle is being fought with several strategies. In the Middle East it is by mindless violence, naked brutal executions and sacrifices of lives - whatever the market will bear. Hamas and IS have exactly the same stated objectives. It is an infamy for Hamas to state that they are fighting for Palestinian rights when they systematically threw away those very rights that Sharon granted them in 2005. In pursuit of their messianic goals they willingly, cheerfully and cynically have sacrificed human life on both sides.

The Israeli - Hamas clash is center stage in the world wide struggle for dominance of value systems. Let us say for argument sake Israel loses the struggle in the court of public opinion and this somehow translates to Hamas creating Sharia law in Palestine with the Israelis joining the Christian Yazdis on the mountains. Which of the four groups of protagonists of Israel’s demise will be the happiest? - the media, the humanitarians and their NGO’s, the self admitted fascists and anti semites or IS and its allies? 

So Jay H. Ell’s message is, “Be careful what you wish for and stop playing games”. In the good old days this used to be called anti -semitism but now hairs are being split and the contention is that the well meaning NGO’s, their followers and their media backers have chosen the Israeli crisis, amongst all the other instances of devastating denial of human rights that are being perpetrated throughout the world today, as their battleground for the institution of morality.


Ms. Pillay and her UN Human Rights Committee smart -aleckily appointed George Clooney’s wife,  Alma Alamudin, to their loaded Commission to investigate Israel’s alleged war crimes.  Now Ms. Alamudin is reported to be a highly capable jurist with clients such as the King of Bahrain. She has participated in low level UN Commissions. She has had jurist experience as being a clerk, for short periods, of US Supreme Court Judge Sotomayer and a few World Court Judges. Notwithstanding all of this there is little doubt that Ms. Pillay was more than influenced by the fact that Ms. Almadudin has catapulted into the public eye as she has just married international heart throb George Clooney.

Ms. Pillay received the slap in the face she deserved in putting Clooney’s wife publicly in such an awkward position without consulting her first. Ms. Alamudin refused due to “pressure of work”. The latter diplomatically and ambivalently stated that, “She is horrified at the situation in occupied Gaza, particularly the high number of civilian casualties,and strongly believes that there should be an independent investigation and accountability for the crimes that have been committed”.

Without being too pedantic in analyzing Ms. Almadudin’s reply she had to be mindful if Hamas’s objective of Sharia law was universally implemented she would be under a death sentence for marrying Clooney.


There is little doubt that sooner or later there will be a deal between Hamas, The Palestinian Authority, (PA), and Israel. Each side will claim victory even though Israel will not settle until Gaza is demilitarized and or there are adequate checks and balances  put into place to prevent a stockpile of munitions and a labyrinth of tunnels from being burrowed into Israel. Regardless of the conditions of the armistice Hamas and the PA will have achieved what they set out to with this senseless homicidal and suicidal clash - Israel being charged with war crimes.

Israel should take the initiative and charge Palestinian Authority with war crimes, as a result of which, hopefully one can move from the world of Alice in Wonderland to the land of reality. 

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